Using more than one SmartThings water leak sensor

I have a couple of Samsung Water Leak sensors that will close the water valve in case of water leak. But, I want to use one of the sensors near the sum pump to just send me the notification or do a different automation other than closing the vale. I can’t find a way to add this one sensor separately. They all bundled up in one category - “Leaks”. Is there a way to do it? If I use water leak sensor from a different company, will I be able to use it stand-alone (has its own routine)?

Edit. I have excluded this sensor from the “Leaks” setup. But, I can’t find a way to add this sensor to do a different routine such as turning on a backup sum pump. I can only add it back to “Leaks” category under Smart Home Monitor.


At the very top of the SHM Leaks setup there is a preference to “use every moisture sensor” which defaults to true. Set it to false and choose all sensors but your sump pump sensor.

Thanks. Yes. I did that. But, this only excludes that one sensor. But, I can’t find a way to add that sensor to do a different routine such as turning on a backup sum pump. I can only add it back to “Leaks” category under Smart Home Monitor.

You will need webcore for your backup sump pump use case or a custom SmartApp.

A couple of other options are SmartLighting or a custom automation (available in the new SmartThings app). Both allow you to turn on a switch when moisture is detected. If your sump pump is controlled by a locally running outlet then the benefit of using SmartLighting is the automation should also run locally.