Upgrading device firmware

I am on a version 2 Hub

You should contact ST support to see why your hub is on an older firmware

Yes just sent them an email. I wonder if there is a way to force the upgrade?

Did you try powering it off for 15 minutes and then restarting? Maybe it will poll the server for the update.

Do you mean pulling the plug, but doesn’t it have battery backup?

Not if you pull them out. Plus they may be leaking anyway.

OK will try that. I won’t loose anything will I?

You shouldn’t, but this is ST.

Well in that case I will wait for them.

Have you checked your ST batteries for leakage yet?

I changed them the day I received my Hub

No guts, no glory.

If you’re worried about powering it off, then there are bigger issues afoot.

How long ago was that? Best advice, check them

I check them once a month.

I have no issues but if there is a chance of screwing up my system I am worried.

If powering it off screws something up, then the reboot to update the firmware will likely kill it too.

OK I will pull the batteries and wait 15 minutes. Is that correct?

Yes, that’s what I would do.

Done just sitting back and hoping for the best.

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Thanks guys mine is now updated to version 16.

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