A have Samsung AR9000 (ar12kspdbwkneu) and 2pcs AR7000 (ar09nxwxcwkneu)
Both type seems as unsupported device in ST apk.
Have you any adwice how to connect these units into ST apk?
(Samsung smart home apk is funcional noncorrectly - units ramdomly changed as a floor units - after 2years of using with no problem.
I wrote to Samsung support, but they don´t want find the solution. Their advice - use ST apk, change phone, change router, atc. Very nonprofesional advice.)
Wow. How surprising is when I have phone in Slovak language I can’t see units (TV I see), I can’t add any device manually (not supported in my location).
For sure I restarted my phone several times.
Then I try use AN language on phone (as an attempt) and all devices registered to my account are in apk without my assistance… I can manage, controll, add new devices manually, all I want
Ok, I set my phone back to SK language and everything works.
Hi Rastislav, mate from Slovakia here, I have same issue and cannot connect my ac (same model) to smartvthings anymore it is still connected to wifi i can see it via router but cant add it any suggestion?