I’ve been trying for over a week to connect GE Link and Cree bulbs to my SmartThings hub with no luck. I have been able to connect any Z-Wave devices, as well as a ZigBee Multi-Sensor. However, I can’t for the life of me connect any bulbs! Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I have tried multiple light fixtures to be certain it is not an issue with lack of power. I have successfully reset each bulb (i’ve tried 8 Cree bulbs and 5 GE bulbs numerous times each). I keep the lamp right next to the hub to be sure connectivity is not an issue, although I doubt it given that I was able to connect a multi sensor from across the house in seconds. I have also turned my wireless router’s antennae and other devices off to be sure there is minimal interference.
Is there something I am missing? I have also exchanged the hub to ensure it is not a hub issue, and I have purchased some of the bulbs separately for a variety to sample from.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Hopefully I’m not the only one here with these issues, as I’ve had a hard time finding advice on here beside the occasional “reset” suggestion. I have tried resetting so many times now, in so many ways, I’m almost ready to give up.
There are a few members with the same problem and it was caused by WiFi. Try connecting it with your phone data and turn off the WiFi on your router. Hope that will help.
I was having a problem connecting some link bulbs. I did the reset (5 on/off cycles). Then followed the instructions on my phone, It would go to the searching page and just spin and spin. Once I finally got tired of waiting and backed out of that page and went back and looked, the bulb was active and connected, just never got any formal acknowledgement. Both bulbs have been working fine for a week now.
Thank you everyone for your responses! I am awaiting a replacement hub, so I’ll see what I can do after that arrives. I do live in a townhouse, so possibly my neighbors’ wifi networks could be interfering? Because I have disabled my own… Any suggestions to mitigate that other than a friendly knock on their door one day? Haha