Unable to Disarm Smart Home Monitor

If you have a aeon siren connected to your SHM security that was what was causung my issue. I read on another thread that it was causing problems I removed it from my SHM security and resetup the security section now it works fine.

Can Smart home alarm and SMH be run at the same or should you only setup 1 or the other? I would use them for the same thing: to alert after we have left the house which is done using Life360 for presence

Well mine won’t ARM. It has been doing this on and off for 5 days now. This shouldn’t be happening. When I try to ARM Away it just spins.

What devices do you have hooked up to your security section in shm? I saw they released an update today but I haven’t seen if it fixes my issue.

I had the system keep arming moments ago, tried so many things, in the end set to “Good night” which arm (partial)'s it then set to Good Bye to arm full then I’m home to disarm and it finally worked.

This system has become garbage! The SHM has become dumb and time-based triggers do not work consistently. Smarththings should really reconsider their name, something along the lines of SometimesThings, or Semi-SmartThings, or UnreliableThings…then at least customers will know what they can expect.:-1:

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This SHM bug is beyond aggravating. I’ve had to delete it 2-3 time a day to fix it.

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I should knock on wood, but I have not had any issues at all with SHM arming / disarming. I have noticed the app cycling when disarming / arming as we arrive / leave due to the phone switching in and out of WIFI, but other than that no problems. My setup is probably very basic compared to others. I seriously hope I do not run into the issues you guys are facing. Deleting SHM and setting it back up multiple times a day would drive me crazy. For now I will consider myself fortunate.

@RampageScout Were you using a custom device handler for that siren? I was looking at getting one but will steer clear if it causes issues. For now I’m just using the Aeon doorbell as a chime (rulemachine) / siren (SHM).

Nope I’m just using the standard device handler that is in the marketplace. I bought it in early january and didn’t have any issues with it until after they did the hub firmware update on 2/29. A few days later SHM started acting wierd. I have it added back in to SHM now and it’s seems to be OK but I’m going to watch it like a hawk the next few days.

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@eveezy just logged on to check it and SHM is frozen again, looks like the update did not fix the siren issue

They have not offered a date yet. I have tried all three combos of SHM and smart alarm.

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Problems With SHM/Routines

I’m having the same problem. I think it was Saturday morning the first time it didn’t switch from Arm Stay to Disarm like it should have and it triggered the alarm. I didn’t think much of it, an occasional error isn’t unexpected, and I was able to manually disarm it through SHM. Since one of us was home all weekend it never switched to Arm Away, but Sunday morning seemed fine, but it may never have armed Saturday night. This morning (Monday) it didn’t disarm again and I can’t manually disarm it. When I run “Good Morning” manually the logs show as successful disarm, but as soon as SHM refreshes it resets it to armed. Here’s the snippet from the logs.

9:30:54 AM: debug summaryData: [[icon:indicator-dot-green, iconColor:#90ee90, value:Armed (Stay)], [icon:indicator-dot-green, iconColor:#79b821, value:Everything OK]] - [[icon:indicator-dot-green, value:Armed (Stay), iconColor:#90ee90], [icon:indicator-dot-green, value:Everything OK, iconColor:#79b821]]
9:30:31 AM: trace prefix(): Good Morning.
9:30:31 AM: trace settings: [disabledAutomationApps:[Someone Arrives, Everyone Leaves, Things Quiet Down], salutation:Good Morning., securitySystem:off, disabledModes:[Away, Home], pushNotification:true, newMode:Home]
9:30:31 AM: debug HH execute(), newMode: Home

It also never alerted me that the alarm was triggered this morning, even though it turned on all my lights and set off the siren. It did alert me Saturday morning. I’ve noticed for the last few days it no longer sends a push notification when a routine is triggered, but until recently they’ve seemed to work just fine.


Same problem started yesterday afternoon. Nothing works to resolve. Opened a ticket as well.

Same problem here. Yesterday my wife went home and stood outside the door trying to disarm the alarm and it would spin and spin and when she reset the app and opened it back up it was still armed. She called me and I tried and got the same result. The weird thing is that I even logged in to IDE and according to it SHM was in disarmed status…so I told her to go on in and then waw waw waw the alarm and siren triggered and would not stop until I finally removed SHM completely. What is going on? We both use iOS if that matters.

Same here and “they” are aware:

instead of “updates accordingly” I would appreciate “solutions immediately”. This is getting ridiculous. I have to manually disarm the alarm every day and then hope that it stays that way.

Any idea on how to remove Smart Home Monitor? It no longer shows up as a Smart App for any of my devices in the new mobile app.

Belgarion, did they offer a workaround solution in the meantime so that I can keep my home secure? As of right now SHM is still uninstalled. Glad I am not the only one and that they are working on it. Where can we go for updates related to this issue? And did you also have trouble with Routines at all before SHM started having issues?

YYCDave, I removed it by uninstalling it within the IDE. If you go to your hub section and then go to smartapps, SHM should be on there somewhere. Then you click edit and uninstall. At least I think I am remembering correctly how I did it. Good luck and you are not alone in your frustration with this issue!

Thanks. Is that the graph.api website? SHM does not show up as an app under my “Smart Apps” tab.

I appreciate the fact that I am not alone in my bewildered frustration.