(UK) Plug sockets and light switches

So, I’m looking around at what power sockets in the UK can connect up to ST.

Is there anything available that:
avoids the need for ANOTHER "hub"
can actually replace the socket wall panel/light switches

I’ve not been able to find anything.

I notice the Smartthings socket shows as unavailable on their website…

Have I invested in the wrong system here?

There’s plenty of options, there also plenty of opinions about wether or not you have invested in the wrong system. Your best friend is the community, have a search, lots of info in here. ST gives you plenty of flexibility from lots of vendors.

Couple of pointers. I’m not aware of any UK replacement sockets. If anyone wants to correct me I’d love to hear it. If you want a ‘pocket’ like the ST socket then you can use the stuff from TKB Home available from vesternet.com (good site), they’re z-wave and work well. Both the TKB68 and TBK69 work with generic device handlers. I have a TKB69 on the tumble drier and I use a simple CoRE piston to notifies us by SMS when the it’s finished. If you want Samsung sockets and Curry’s are out of stock then try eBay. They’re not cheap but they are good quality and they repeat your zigbee mesh (note that the TKB will repeat z-wave).

Someone on here has integrated Lightwave (who produce replacement sockets) but its not straightforward and requires the other hub you want to avoid.

Have a look here: Wired wall socket with USB connectors

As for light switches there a number of options.I personally use Hue in high traffic areas with motion and door sensors as well as in the lounge with motion buttons and sensors. I’ve got a couple of Hue Tap’s where I need them. It’s a good clean solution but yes, requires another hub.

Good luck.

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I’m in the UK too and the only replacement sockets I can find need another hub.
I have gone for lightwaverf switches and outlets and integrated with a raspberry Pi.
3 hubs I know but I like them and they do work well.

EDIT:BTW you do not have to use a Raspberry Pi to integrate them, just use IFTTT. If you go down this route then you will find they can be laggy. With a Pi they are as quick as the ST cloud.

Thank you all :slight_smile:
Some great information there.

I’m tempted to just get the external plugs for now then, as few as possible, and wait for a better solution to come along for the internal wall sockets.

I had read about the Lightwave stuff - looks good, but the extra hub and I wasn’t sure the ST integration was reliable enough from some of the comments. Also, I gather it’s a one-way communication kinda device - i.e. you don’t get any feedback as to the status of the light switch/power switch.

Could anyone advice is these Fibaro modules are suitable to fit behind my double light switch?

The switch controls the two lounge lights, and each control on the switch is connected to 2-wire cables.

Also, if the light switch is in the traditional off position, does it stop the lights being controlled by the Fibaro module?

Thanks again Robin - this is all very much appreciated.
I’ll perhaps order a couple and if they don’t both fit in, there’s plenty of other places I can fit the them.

Out of interest, what switches do you use?
I can’t quite work out how momentary switches work. e.g. I’ve found some nice looking Varilight ones: http://www.varilight.co.uk/configurator/product.php?code=XDQM2S
But can’t quite see how that round button would increase and decrease dim and turn on/off.
Is it not a 2-way 2-gang rocker switch I’d need? http://www.varilight.co.uk/configurator/product.php?code=XDQ2S

Now you’ve said it, it makes perfect sense to install more switches than before!! I’d never thought about it, but essentially you’re putting an additional automation button control in perfect natural locations.

I like the look of those retrotouch ones with chrome surround:

Great information, I’ve got some great ideas now!! :slight_smile:

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Sigh…the backboxes are too small.
It’s close…the problem is the switches. The switches just have too big a “lump” on the back of them, not leaving enough room for the Fibaro.
I guess I’ll have to break out the chisel and hammer, and get some deeper boxes :frowning:

Good point.

For the upstairs lights, is it possible to fit the Fibaros on the light cable in the loft, in a large box?

Cool, thanks Robin :slight_smile:

Here’s the 2:


Apologies. Missed that bit!

How did you get on with this mate? Which option did you go for in the end?

I’m looking to replace my relatively new light switches (completely dewired my house 4 years ago) with some z-wave or ZigBee switches. I believe I’ll have a nutural wire (because of the new wiring in my house) so hopefully this gives me more options.

Any advice?