TP-Link Kasa Edge Driver (also LIFX)

Click on add devices, look for brand, TPLink and then login with your TPLink credentials. (In case you don’t know, C2C means Cloud to Cloud).

Thank you. That works. I did notice it doubled every other device. Probably because I have the edge drivers in. I just deleted the c2c duplicates and just kept the strip light.

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FYI, The doubles will probably return. Just stick them in a room called doubles or unused.

Sweet I’ll do that. Thank you for the assistance. Big help.


How are those with Lifx lights getting on with this driver?

I currently have a fair few Lifx lights, but integrated into ST via the cloud integration.

Apart from running locally, wondered if the majority of the functionality was there (within these Edge drivers on ST), or if it would still be wise to keep the c2c integration.

I don’t use Lifx but I do use @BarryA Kasa driver.

To use, install Edge driver and then run scan nearby. It should pick up any Lifx devices on your network.

If you use the driver and the c2c you will end up with duplicates. So it is best to delete the c2c

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  • Purchased a Kasa KP115 (UK) Smart Energy Monitoring Plug Outlet.

  • Installed the driver from @BarryA

  • Searched for devices, did not find the KP115 (UK) Smart Plug

  • Looked manually through the list of all outlets/plugs within ST, and could not find KP115 as a model - the closest offered by this Edge driver is HS110, which has reached EoL.

Does that mean this model is not supported? Is there a way for me to request for it to be added?

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Jeff, I have a KP115 (US) working with @BarryA driver. Steps to add to ST.

  1. Add device to Kasa App.
  2. Add @BarryA Kasa Edge Driver to your ST hub.
  3. Run “Scan Nearby” in ST App.
  4. In a rare case you may need to unplug and replug in the device while running Scan Nearby
  5. Device will probably show up in the Room with your ST Hub or in “Room not Assigned”.

You need to install the device in the Kasa App first.

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I see - I thought the Edge Driver removed the requirement for the Kasa App.

I’ve just set up the Kasa App, added the device to the Kasa app, and exactly as suggested, the ‘Scan Nearby’ picked it up straight away!

Thank you.

Glad it worked. This is NOT Matter, so you still need the manufacturers app.

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Barry I’m having problems with the KP303 Strip and your Beta Driver, I’ve removed from KASA and re-added and still have no visibility of the individual plugs… The KP303 doesn’t support energy management .

Hello! :slight_smile:
I bought a TP-Link P110 socket with power meter today.

I added the plug to the Tapo account, then added the driver to the ST and then when I search for nearby devices it doesn’t find anything.
But if I add it through the Tapo account, the device appears, but it only lets me turn it on/off.
It doesn’t give me the energy consumption.

Can you help?

This drive only supports Kasa devices.

It does NOT work with Tapo devices.

I don’t know of any Edge Drivers for Tapo devices.

Will it be very difficult to create a driver for this device?
I don’t understand any of this?! :frowning:

I have no idea. I have never written a driver, and I don’t own any Tapo devices.

I was the 1st one to adopt the Kasa driver 11 months ago. My thread with my questions turned into the semi-official thread for the Kasa driver. Since the developer rarely visits the forum, I try to answer any questions to the best of my ability.

You should post your request for a Tapo Driver in this thread.


You don’t need a driver; you could just connect your Tapo cloud account to your SmartThings account, and then SmartThings should be able to control your Tapo device.

Hi, I know…
But I only see the option to turn on/off
I don’t have the consumptions…
I thought that with drivers I could have access to the rest.

It looks like the official Kasa integration offers some “adaptive” lighting settings for the dimmers (sleep modes to do a one odd slow dim) but the edge driver devices do not offer this. Is there some way to add this context to the edge driver so these “adaptive” features could work on the edge driver.

See pics.

The c2c integration and the Edge Driver are independent so you can’t combine the features.

If you don’t mind having duplicates you can run both together. You would get local operation if you use the Edge device tile and you would get the extra dimmer features in the c2c tile. But you will have 2 device tiles for each supported Kasa device.

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