Because of Sense, I got some TP-Link/Kasa HS300s and EP25s and they work fine with Kasa and I can turn them on and off with SmartThings…oddly, enough there is a bug on the Sense portion that I am working with Sense on.
Anyway, I notice that the energy readings do not show up in SmartThings. Not really something I am going to flip out on but has anyone had any luck getting that information or is this a Feature Request for SmartThings.
If you have a ST hub @BarryA has written an edge driver for single end point Kasa switch and plugs that brings the power reporting in ST. With this driver the plug and switches work locally with you ST hub
I looked at the link. I am a bit confused on how to apply it to the outlets I have. Do I need to delete them and put them back in? There seems to be no way to just tell SmartThings to apply these new drivers. Sorry if this seems basic. These Edge drivers have been quite confusing. I was fine with the old method. There is still a large learning curve with me.
You can do it either way. You can delete c2c devices first then pair them with Edge or you pair them with Edge first then delete the c2c devices. If you do it the 2nd way you will temporarily end up with duplicates.
Once paired you my want to eliminate the Kasa linked service if possible to prevent future duplicates.
I installed the driver and I see it in the list in my hub under drivers. Then I removed the plugs. Then, I re-linked the cloud account and imported the plugs back in. Still no energy information.
I wonder if you are doing the exact same thing Sense does to discover these, which I have a ticket with them right now because it does not work. Are you broadcasting or looking for them to broadcast in order to make that connection?
Sense and SmartThings and all those plugs are on the same subnet. SmartThings is wired the rest is not. Sense is communicating fine directly with my Phillips Hue so I know the subnet is open to allow for Layer-2.
I have a ton of network traces from my access points (Cisco controller-based) and I did not see those broadcasts at all. Sense and I have a ticket we have been working on for a few weeks. I suspect Kasa made a change on their firmware that broke this.
Kasa’s stance is that they officially support Sense and I am sure if this is what you are doing, they are probably going to say the same for this.
I have done port-scans on these and I know that tcp/9999 is open on these.
Could you give me more information on the scan you are having SmartThings doing because Sense has not gotten back to me on that. I am hoping to perform a network trace to look for that kind of traffic you want. My traces run for a maximum of 1 hour, per the Cisco 2504 controller I have. Maybe if I find something on this, I can fix two issues at once.
There is solid layer-2 going on on my entire IoT network, no blocking, no firewalling.
Figured it out and it was the same thing that broke Sense.
I have a professional computer network. My wireless network is a Cisco 2504 Wireless controller with three Cisco AIR-CAP3702i access points and one Cisco AIR-CAP3702e external access point in my garage.
My IoT network was running the native wireless setup where all the wireless traffic comes back to the controller over an encrypted tunnel between the access point and the controller. From the controller, then it dumps out on my wired network.
I had to convert this wireless network to “Flex Connect” which dumps all that traffic directly on the wire from the access point and bypasses the encrypted tunnel to the wireless LAN controller.
Once I did that, SmartThings AND Sense all found the devices.
For the EP25s, which are single outlets, on/off works fine as well as power consumption being shown.
On the HS300s, though, you get an overall power consumption in SmartThings and you do not get individual on and off per outlet on the power strip. Sense claims you can turn things on and off but that does not work on the HS300 power strips, either.
So, I have to not only import this driver, which I am tickled to death over, but also the original Kasa Cloud to Cloud integration for individual on/off control and grouping of outlets if I want them.
Thank you for your help on this! This idea of Flex Connect literally hit my head as I was getting ready for bed.
Duel end point devices (power strips and dual control outlets) don’t work with this driver. Therefore you will need to use the official c2c integration for those devices.
I see that, so I added the cloud to cloud but I can tell you in Sense I can use that app to turn individual outlets on or off on the HS300s. Just saying. I do not mind though, this works great.