I’ll do that. Thanks for the tip. I’m not quite as versed with the IDE as I should be.
Indisputable, but even more alarming is the lack of response by Support. Two days ago I opened a ticket identifying an undeniable data corruption issue, with exact times and screenshot. As of right now, there’s not even any evidence that anyone has read the trouble report yet. Isn’t data only retained for 7 days? By the time they get around to it, the evidence will be gone and they’ll have nothing to troubleshoot.
I worked with support on some presence issues after the release of V2 and found the response time from the help desk to now be days instead of several hours when I first started this wild ride.
Our wishes came true, now what?
New Incident Status: Identified
SmartThings is currently experiencing issues in the processing of scheduled actions for certain users in North America. The engineering team is working on a solution to this issue.
Oct 30, 12:02 EDT
These weren’t our only issues, but it’s a start at least…
Just got a notification:
It just got updated 1 minute ago!
I am on day 7 with my open ticket! Don’t you dare jumping in front…
Status page, not a personal reply about the status of my ticket.
The cases should be comparable, but are definitely not.
Tylenol had/has hundreds of millions of Customers who purchase the product many times throughout their lives.
SmartThings has under 200,000 Customers (a fraction of the millions they are aiming for) and can literally afford to lose all of us in the short term, even if we never come back. SmartThings “brand” is essentially immune from long term damage at this point… For now.
The Status Page is a permanent record of the history of SmartThings issues; but only the issues they choose to publish.
Status has just been updated today. 1.5 weeks and 500 messages (98 users…) after the problem started.
It’s hard to control the message when the news is a hurricane of their own volition.
And despite the implied “very bad news” here, I doubt you’ll see a single major publication report on the situation.
Yup… This is definitely not a “Tylenol” situation, folks.
The status page may be a permanent record, but so is the forum. And a potential customer will likely look at the forum first before they check the status history. And yes, they may do well if they lose all of us, but “word of mouth” is still one of the most powerful marketing tools.
My meatballs are ruined! My timer for 8:30am to turn on my crockpot via routines failed this morning.
Now I have nothing to bring to the potluck at work… Thanks!
Cold meatballs are scary… Oh wait, its Halloween.
You’d think so, right? …
And yet the rate of Customer growth continues to increase despite 2½ years of problem history here.
SmartThings had/has people in the UK and around the world begging for release dates of the product.
V1 Hub - Sunset/sunrise timer worked fine today. Hopefully my issue was just a one day glitch.
you can be bad… just don’t be worst than the competition.
It’s still the best product in this space, and I’m still enjoying using it, and it still is largely working for me. I know that’s not everyone’s experience or feelings, but it’s mine.
Still, ST fix the scheduler, and find the cause and architect out the possibility of it happening again. Armor plate our schedules. Then give us users. Then I promise I won’t ask for anything else (yeah right!).
I can change that if you feel it improves the situation
agreed I already tried almond and looked at others. This is the most flexible … especially how open it is, and how many devices it supports. I hope they get this under control… I am going to add some simplerule back rules today to my two hubs.
Android app update just published: https://community.smartthings.com/t/android-2-0-4-release-notes-10-30-2015/27636
Here’s hoping it helps in sooo many ways.
Edit: I’m not seeing it in the Play store yet, but that’s normal.
I honestly don’t know. When the latest Samsung phone has a relatively minor problem like shorter than expected battery life, there are dozens or hundreds of articles reporting it… But again, millions of customers who buy phones many times in their lives.
But more discussion in relevant Topic: