A user has three AC units connected to a Wifi kit. The API lists just one AC unit with the name of the master unit in the SmartThings app, plus the normal capabilities, but it doesn’t show the individual units like the SmartThings app does.
Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
Hi @nayelyz, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Unfortunately, the ac units are not in my account, but in a user of my Homey app account. Would it be OK if I get his username and send that to you?
We cannot enter his account if he doesn’t provide the corresponding permissions and we also need the model of the kit to check with the engineering team.
Please ask him to send us an email to build@smartthings.com or you can send the email and copy him there so we’re all in the same thread.
Hi, @Brian.B
Thank you for reaching out! Ok, I see the field of the model is empty for this device, do you have the model shown in the devices kit’s package?
I also see only SB12 Air-con, the physical devices’ name are “Sove”, “Stue” and “Havestue”, right?
This means you have three physical devices but they’re all collected in “SB12 Air-con”, correct?
That’s what I understand. My app only finds the SB12 and sending an on / off command to that switches all three physical devices on and off at the same time. Sending other commands, such as temperature setpoint, is accepted by the API, but does nothing on the physical devices.
Hi, @AdyR, @Brian.B
The engineering team mentioned this is the expected behavior for the Wi-Fi Kit.
The explanation is that only the Wi-Fi kit is registered as a device with its own Id and other communication between the kit and the physical devices happens device-to-device (D2D) among them, that’s why the plugin (in the app) can show it.
I just asked the team if there’s a way to send commands through that main device but it’s highly possible it’s not. I’ll keep you posted.
The engineering team confirmed there’s no way to control the other devices through the main one we see in the API.
If you send commands to the capabilities of the main device, for example, to turn on, does it turn on only one device?
ooh ok, sorry, unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to change the current behavior.
You could contact Samsung, who is the manufacturer, to request a change in how it was implemented if possible, and see what they say. I don’t actively suggest this because I’m not certain you’ll get a positive answer.