Want to make a lasting contribution to the SmartThings community?
Tired of trying to search through the forums to find a project that you know somebody wrote about last year?
The community-created wiki has a new category, “How to”
Now we need your help to populate it!
Feel free to add a wiki page on any how to that you think others will find useful in the future.
Some examples
pairing tips for a specific device
A pointer to smart apps that solve a particular problem
A pointer to a device handler that adds features that are not in the standard app
A commonly asked question that can be solved with just the right logic
A common hardware hack, like using a Contact sensor to add a radio to a non-networked device
You can add a troubleshooting section to your page if you feel one is needed, but in general how to’s should be about accomplishing stuff that can be done with smartthings, it’s just that it isn’t an obvious how to do it
Include forum link backs for discussion
The sky’s the limit! It’s also usually a good idea to include a link on your page back to a forum topic where more questions can be asked if needed.
How can you help?
Which how to’s do you wish existed when you were trying to solve a particular problem?
Here’s the place for all of that. Write it up in any format that you think will be helpful. Also feel free to edit/update any of the existing how to’s if things have changed. This is actually one of the biggest problems with forum posts – – they go stale in an environment that changes as rapidly as the smartthings platform. But the wiki will stay fresh as long as you help it to do so.
getting a wiki account
If you don’t already have a wiki account, you will need to sign up for one and @obycode (senior wiki moderator) Will approve you. Instructions are in the wiki.
Read more about the wiki here:
How to requests
Have a request for a particular how to? Add a post to this thread, and hopefully someone will add that page to the wiki.