My conclusion, though I cannot prove it, is that the Edge driver, upon loading, changed one of the many parameters supported by the switch which resulted in this extreme change in behaviour.
You can view the parameter settings for a device using a groovy DTH via the groovy Zwave Tweaker.
z-wave Tweaker
Version: 0.08 (2017-03-16)
This is a device handler to assist with interrogating and tweaking Z-Wave devices. It’s designed for end-users who want to tweak their devices and for developers who want to quickly discover and report the functionality of new devices. It is intended to temporarily replace a device’s normal device handler.
Key features in v0.08:
Discover association groups, multi-channel endpoints, and configuration parameters.
Configure association group members from the SmartThings GUI.
Configure parameter values from the SmartThings GUI.
Configure Protection and Switch_All modes from the SmartThings GUI.
Discover supported meter/alarm/notification/sensor report types.
You can view the parameter settings for a zwave device using an Edge Driver using @Mariano_Colmenarejo ’s new zwave configuration edge driver if the original driver doesn’t expose them.
(New Release) New Edge Driver Z-Wave Device Config Mc
This is the initial version of the driver that allows reading and writing configuration parameters in Z-Wave devices.
There is a New Version Aug/18
There is the Association Groups Version Sep/22
Link to new version with Wake_Up command class. Apr-23
Important note:
If your device uses the Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc or Z-Wave Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc driver then they already have this driver built in to configure any parameter or association group creating a virtual configurator device and you don’t need to change to this driver:
Link to post release Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc and Z-Wave Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc device config built in
My Recommendation:
The parameters that can be changed with the preferenc…
In both cases you temporarily have the device use the reporting version, then switch it back to its regular for everyday use.
What you are seeing could be caused by a parameter setting change, or by too frequent polling.