TCP Lights not connecting! **HELP**

I can also be added to the list of the TCP bulbs not working from ST. They work good with the TCP app. Does anyone know what up with these bulbs?

Now that the acquisition is out of the way. Can someone at SmartThings help us TCP users?

AMEN @austinrfnd

I take it this is a issue still pending. I gave up on TCP and STā€™s, but still use the TCP lights. Iā€™m really serious about trying to sell the 40 lights I have to grab the Hue bulbs.

I moved over to the Ultra IQ bulbs that they sell at LOWES. 27 bucks a pop, but native support. No hubs or anything. The bulbs are HUGE though. So keep that in mind if working in enclosures. Here is a comparison with TCP and IQ that i took.

I ended up starting from scratch and clean-slated my ST setup and built it up again, systematically adding everything back in. Was smarter this time around-- best to assign static IPs for all the hub devices within your LAN. The problem I kept having was usually after a brownout/blackout of my power. I suppose I should also consider a UPS for all my hub/bridge devices and router.

Not willing to give up on TCP-- still the most cost effective solution at the moment for basic connected bulbs.

Very true on TCP being the most cost effective solution, but it doesnā€™t work with STā€™s the way STā€™s advertises. Hopefully a fix will come out in the near future. For now I put all the bulbs in one group and use the TCP App.

Maybe just maybe Iā€™ll sell all 40 TCP bulbs and purchase the Hue set and build on that. I have an iPhone and if the news with Apple and the home kit is right then Hue is the only way to go. Iā€™m in a holding pattern right now waiting to see what STā€™s does with Samsung backing them, also what iOS8 brings with the home kit. I refuse to invest anymore cash to something that might change when the wind blows.

I had major issues with my tcp bulbs at first. They seem to be working a lot better now. Adding new bulbs is still a major pain. Day to day operation of the bulbs seems to work pretty well. Sometimes my bulbs will not report correctly, and I have to log out of the smart things app and log back in.

Hi @Ben, can you check if anyone at SmartThings is aware of and is hopefully working the TCP bulb problems we are all having? Thanks!

The issues with TCP have been fixed with our latest firmware. Email to request access.


New hub firmware?

11.705 - itā€™s been available for awhile but still not the version that hubs will auto-update to.

Guys Iā€™m still having serious issues with my TCP lights even after @Tyler sent the updated firmware to my hub.

All 23 of my lights are not working at all, more importantly when I try to control them individually they do not respond. In case youā€™re wondering yes the TCP lights worked fine when I controlled them individual before as a test, but I havenā€™t used STā€™s to control my TCP lights because itā€™s not working the way it should until I saw Tylers post. I saw Tyler post that the problem was fixed, but Iā€™m far from that now unless thereā€™s something you guys know or can do to help me fix this issue.

As far as troubleshooting goesā€¦ Iā€™ve already tried to install TCP on STā€™s, but it wonā€™t discover anything. Keep in mind this is my second hub because @wackware and I couldnā€™t figure out the original problem. Todd do you remember?? In addition I reset the TCP and STā€™s hub. If you guys have any suggestions please let me know I really want this fixed. Iā€™m going as far as selling all the TCP lights to slowly purchase Hue. Iā€™d rather not go that route since TCP actually really is cost effective.

Thank you for all your help, please feel free to email me or comment here so I can get on the right track again,

mdpd43 at gmail


I fixed the non-discover and loss of communications on gateway IP change issues. The new code will be submitted to ST tonight for QA. Iā€™ll work with them to try and fast track it through.

Iā€™ll keep you posted.

With the new 705 firmware I usually get 4 out of 5 of my TCP lights to come ON or OFF with motion etc. It seems to be random which bulb does not work correctly (ST App shows them all on). Manually one at a time with the ST App they all work (the TCP App has always controlled them 100%).

Needs to be a verification check to make sure all bulbs are off, if not in requested mode then send the command again.

Make sure you have the current device type. I had an issue where some of my bulbs were using the old device type. I removed them all and reconfigured the TCP smart app from scratch. Also make sure that you donā€™t manually toggle the lights off, something breaks in the mesh and I start to get bulbs that refuse to turn off. Last night I was seeing aws provisioning errors as well.

@wackware thank you sir. Iā€™m looking forward to hearing some good news about TCP and STā€™s. Itā€™s been a rough go as you know and getting this to work will be great and huge for my household (AKA wife). Please let us know ASAP, Iā€™ve very eager now to get this working. Iā€™m losing the wife battle here and my army of lights can only hold her off for so long. haha

@Dave I was told the new update was verified with 15 bulbs and worked good. I think itā€™s more what @wackware fixed and hopefully itā€™s a quick fix and update. Yes the TCP app is 100% accurate and thatā€™s all Iā€™m using for now because it works flawlessly. The STā€™s app with TCP did exactly what youā€™re addressing with me since day 1. I think a fix is coming soon and Iā€™ve been very patient on this from day 1, so whatā€™s another week or two right LOL.

@jody.albritton when you say use the right device type, are you referring to TCP or STā€™s?? I have the most updated software on both devices and my issue is worse then before. I have 23 bulbs connected with another 15 begging to be connected. Iā€™ve already spent hours trying to fix these issues and before I start reconfiguring Iā€™m waiting for STā€™s to address the issue. These guys are awesome to work with, smart and Iā€™m confidant theyā€™ll get this fixed. This being the ONLY reason I havenā€™t given up on either product just yet. LOL

Thank you for all your input and comments. Please keep them coming.

Hey @Dave I forgot to mention and maybe you know this already. Iā€™ll just share it just in case you didnā€™t and maybe someone else isnā€™t aware. Also keep in mind this might change with the new update that @wackware has been working on. Maybe he can shed some light to the below.

If you use the TCP app and STā€™s app separately it will screw up everything. Youā€™ll need to pick one to use. Exampleā€¦ if you turn the lights on with TCP, then STā€™s wonā€™t pick up that the light is on and you wonā€™t be able to control it. Turn all your lights off on TCP and STā€™s, then try turing the lights on with STā€™s and it should work plus the status of the light will be correct. This was my personal experience when it was working. Currently nothing works for me and before I start deleting bulbs like I did before, Iā€™d rather kick back and wait for the fix.

Using the ST App is there a way to easily create a vacation light schedule? Similar to what we can do in the TCP App?

I havenā€™t used it because of the reasons Iā€™ve explained, but yes you can. Create a hello home phrase called ā€œVacationā€ you can set your lights and have them come on and off at any time you want. You can also set the dim level as well.

Here are your options.