New name and version of the driver Zigbee Sunrise and Sunset Mc (Zigbee Calendar Mc)
- To give it some utility more than a calculation of susrise and sunset with offsets, I have added Calendar functions to this driver, since from time to time someone needs to use it to automate irrigation or other things, that they need to use IFTT for example:
Added Capabilities of Date one and two:
- They allow to make automations for period between dates
- In order to make equal, greater or lesser comparisons, the chosen format must be an integer number.
- The format to build a representative and comparable number of a date will be YYYYMMDD, that is, for today 2022, June, 10 it would be: 20220610
- I didn’t find another way to enter usable data formant of date,
- Capability Hour of the day: In this way it can be combined with sunrise and sunset to perform periods of sunrise or sunset and a fixed hour or less or greater than one hour.
- Capability Day of the month: In this way you can make automations for a specific day of each month
- Capability of the Month of the year: in this way automations can be made for a specific month of the year
- Capability for Year: In case you need to do automation for a specific year
- Capability to select Odd or Even days of the month: Automations can be made only for select odd or even days of each month.
- All this can be combined with standard time preconditions such as day of the week or hour interval
I have installed in a plug that has a bad relay and I use it only as a repeater.
Can be used on any zigbee device that has no use.
If a battery device is used, no matter if the battery is depleted or removed, it will remain online indefinitely as a virtual device. Only the physical device will be needed to be able to uninstall the driver from your hub.
Automation Conditions:
Driver version:
│ Name │ Zigbee Calendar Mc │
│ Version │ 2022-06-10T11:43:41.621583325 │
If anyone finds something wrong or could be improved, please let me know.