Sudden Loss of Connection and Control on Most ZigBee Devices

I have a lot of zigbee devices that went offline at the same time as you guys. Tried to shutdown the hub for 30 mins, it didnt work. I’m removing battery from the devices, it’s not working … any ideas? most of them are motion sensor, it’s not very fun!


And there we go again… today all my Smarthings second generation motion sensors are unavailable. I am so tired of having to connect them again and again to the hub.

Same here, at around 3pm today all 9 of my Samsung zigbee sensors (motion and multi) became unresponsive. Tried removing batteries, resetting. Nothing. Tried removing and re-adding one of them but it’s not picking it up at all. Even sitting right next to the hub.
I’ve spent so much money on this system, it’s really pissing me off!

I could have missed it, but I didn’t see this suggested yet on this thread. This may not be relevant to your specific networks, but if you have any GE Link, OSRAM or Wemo bulbs I suggest you try the following:

1.) Power off as many of those bulbs as you can
2.) Wait 15 minutes
3.) Power cycle the hub (including removing the batteries if you have them, and then put them back in)
4.) Power on the bulbs again

Those three types of bulbs are known for causing network issues like causing other devices to go offline even if the bulb itself still appears to be functioning. There is a firmware update for the OSRAM bulbs that makes them perform significantly better, so if you have a HubV2 I suggest you update the OSRAM firmware. See here for instructions on how to enable OTA firmware updates. We need to update those instructions because as of the latest hub firmware you need to select “Allow OTA for lights”. Also OSRAM bulbs only update when they are powered on or when you click “Check Now” on the device in the web interface.

If this doesn’t solve the problem I suggest you contact support if you haven’t already so they can dig into the details of your specific networks to see what might be going wrong.


Thank you so much, that was it. I have recently added some Wemo bulbs. I
have now removed them and, after re adding most of my sensors, everything
seems to be working again now.

Wemo bulbs are going back to Amazon, guess I’m going to have to shell out
for the Hue system.

