Struggling getting Lifx bulbs added

Purchased the Smartthings hub the other day and been having good luck with it. However, when I try to add my 4 lifx bulbs, which are located in 3 different “rooms”, the smartthings app will only remember the last bulb I added when I look in MyHome -> Things. This is even though I’ve gone through the process of adding the other 3 bulbs. Only the last one show in my “Things” list.

What the heck am I doing wrong here?

Any help would be appreciated.

did you install the Lifx bulbs in the Lifx app first? Then the SmartThings app. That’s how I integrated.

I only have two but they both work for a while, until one gets lost after 2-14 days, then I cycle power on it and it returns.

Yeah, the bulbs work fine in the lifx app. And all the bulbs will show up in ST app too…but only one or two at a time. I’m sure I’m not operating the app correctly.