[ST Edge] Z-Wave Masquerade

This driver allows simple z-wave devices, such as switches and binary sensors, to act as a different type of device. A typical use would be to make a z-wave contact sensor appear in the SmartThings app as a smoke detector.

Profiles are included for:

  • Acceleration sensors
  • Alarms
  • Carbon monoxide detectors
  • Contact sensors
  • Leak sensors
  • Locks
  • Motion sensors
  • Presence
  • Smoke detectors
  • Switches
  • Tamper alerts
  • Temperature alarms
  • Water level sensor (custom capability with low/normal/high states)
  • Water valves
  • Window shades

Use the settings menu to swap between profiles (you may need to close and reopen the app to see the new profile). A setting is also available to invert the reported status.

To use, enroll using the Channel Invitation and install the driver (choose the latest version if multiple are available). It should appear as an option in the driver swap utility for any device that supports a matching command class.



I currently use an Z-Wave Ecolink tilt sensor to connect my hard wired smoke/co detectors to ST. And I use a routine to connect the Ecolink to a virtual smoke detector, so I can use it with STHM.

Would using Masquerade allow me to connect the Ecolink tilt sensor directly to STHM as a Smoke detector?

very nice!


Yes. I’ve tested with an older non-plus Ecolink tilt sensor and it works just fine. The new one should also work.

Really, any simple binary-state z-wave device will work. The driver takes any of the typical “on” z-wave commands and maps it to the “detected” state of the chosen capability. If you try a complex multi-sensor that’s reporting state of multiple different attributes then you might get confusing results from the driver.


Are you planning on a ZigBee version?

Not at the moment. I haven’t played around enough with zigbee. I’m sure something similar could be done though.


Hi @philh30

I’m trying to pair an Ecolink contact sensor with your Edge driver, but it seems to keep reverting back to a “Z-Wave Device” DTH. Any tips on how to force it to pair with this? Thanks.

The device will need to already be on Edge to swap to this driver. This driver doesn’t have any device-specific fingerprints in it, just generic matches by command class. It’ll be available in the driver swap utility for just about any z-wave device but shouldn’t be what any device matches to at pairing.

What’s the fingerprint for yours? There are a number of Ecolink fingerprints - probably the newer z-wave plus ones - in the beta zwave-sensor driver (listed here). If there’s a match there, you can use that driver to get your sensor onto Edge and then swap. If not, we can figure out another way.

1 Like

Thanks - I didn’t realize this wouldn’t pair - I’ll look at the beta because it’s not in the on-board drivers right now.

This should be fingerprint info:

Now that I think about it, it may be a Monoprice contact sensor, though essentially the same as the Ecolink.

“Vision Security” is the manufacture based on the fingerprint, but that could easily be a Monoprice white label. I don’t see it in the beta drivers. I’ll DM you in a bit with a temporary driver to get this onboarded with Edge, then you can swap to Masquerade.


Thanks. It is working with my Ecolink tilt sensor.

Could you add “Alarms” so a Z-Wave switch can connect to STHM and control a 120 volt audible alarm.

Thank you!

There is a new version of the driver “Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01” in the channel. The previous version has been renamed as “Z-Wave Masquerade v1.00”.

Any existing devices that are moved from the old version to the new will start out as a contact sensor, so plan ahead for the possibility that any automations you have set up might break or be deleted when you make the swap. You will probably need to go into settings and change the profile to contact sensor, save, and then change it back to your preferred profile.

@mooch91 This new version includes your fingerprint, so you should be able to join directly to it. I’ll add any requests for device-specific fingerprints for now to facilitate people who are trying to manually move a device to Edge, and will delete them all in a few months after the migration is over.

@Paul_Oliver The new version includes alarm, as well as a few other options that I’ll update in the first post of the thread. For alarm, whichever two options you set up in settings as State 1 and State 2 (presumably Off and Siren) will send the on/off commands to the switch. The other two commands (presumably Strobe and Both) will function the same as a refresh command. If you think there should be different logic, let me know and we can work through it.


Thanks for the driver and the addition of the alarm function.

1 Like

Thank you @philh30

I’m halfway there… I was able to pair the sensor… But I can’t get it to change state, even trying it as a contact sensor (which it is). When I bring the magnet to it, I hear it clicking and the indicator goes on, but the device in Smartthings never changes state. Any ideas?

You’ll need to capture logs when you’re opening/closing the sensor and post them so I can see which z-wave commands the device is sending. That will narrow down whether the problem is that your device isn’t behaving or that it’s sending a command that I’m not handling in the driver.


Thanks for bearing with me, this is all new to me. Logs showed the following. This was 4 or 5 successive open-close cycles with the magnet.

2022-09-03T14:47:53.829464403+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:53.835694528+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=0}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:47:53.844433236+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:53.847663945+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:53.859296778+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=0, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=0, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\x00\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:47:53.864862028+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:47:53.870170028+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:47:53.880191653+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:56.068828111+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:56.072869903+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=255}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\xFF”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:47:56.080346320+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:56.083359903+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:56.093502528+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=255, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=255, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\xFF\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:47:56.099153028+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:47:56.103836861+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:47:56.113778403+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:57.647163945+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:57.650930070+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=0}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:47:57.658494653+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:57.661608612+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:57.672524528+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=0, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=0, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\x00\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:47:57.678254403+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:47:57.682921695+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:47:57.692815987+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:58.919532445+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:58.925698404+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=255}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\xFF”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:47:58.939926029+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:47:58.943010029+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:47:58.954192070+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=255, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=255, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\xFF\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:47:58.959931779+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:47:58.964746070+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:47:58.974784320+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:00.497225070+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:00.501156070+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=0}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:48:00.508733529+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:00.511799862+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:00.522118237+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=0, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=0, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\x00\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:48:00.526816779+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:48:00.531516320+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:48:00.541422529+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:02.357562612+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:02.361528321+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=255}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\xFF”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:48:02.368944446+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:02.372017779+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:02.382117362+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=255, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=255, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\xFF\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:48:02.386613237+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:48:02.391306112+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:48:02.401329487+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:04.567201029+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:04.572771404+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=0}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:48:04.580406279+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:04.583613613+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:04.594594029+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=0, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=0, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\x00\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:48:04.600329029+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:48:04.605176988+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:48:04.615158238+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:05.857391613+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:05.861315279+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=255}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\xFF”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2022-09-03T14:48:05.868943654+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled
2022-09-03T14:48:05.872389238+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Received event with handler unnamed
2022-09-03T14:48:05.882594821+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=255, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=255, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\xFF\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}
2022-09-03T14:48:05.888439279+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_masquerade
2022-09-03T14:48:05.893137821+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“contact”,“capability_id”:“contactSensor”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“open”}}
2022-09-03T14:48:05.903078654+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 Z-wave Maquerade device thread event handled

1 Like

@mooch91 I’m pushing out an update to v1.01, with a timestamp of 2022-09-03T15:28:41.186526837. It should hit your hub sometime in the next 12 hours. Or, since you have the CLI running, you can force the update immediately with smartthings edge:drivers:install. Let’s see if this handles your device appropriately.

Your device is using the older Alarm command class, which has been obsoleted and replaced with the Notification command class. I don’t know that I can reliably interpret the older Alarm command class for all devices, since the key parameters were proprietary and may differ by device, so I’ve changed code to ignore them:

2022-09-03T14:48:05.882594821+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={alarm_level=255, alarm_type=7, event=“INTRUSION”, event_parameter=“”, notification_status=“ON”, notification_type=“HOME_SECURITY”, v1_alarm_level=255, v1_alarm_type=7, z_wave_alarm_event=“INTRUSION”, z_wave_alarm_status=“ON”, z_wave_alarm_type=“BURGLAR”, zensor_net_source_node_id=0}, cmd_class=“NOTIFICATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x07\xFF\x00\xFF\x07\x02\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=3}

But your device is also sending Basic Set commands, which are simple to interpret, so the new version of the driver handles these instead:

2022-09-03T14:48:05.861315279+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Masquerade v1.01 <ZwaveDevice: 6d050d19-303f-4a0b-9543-2c68753ab4b3 [31] (Z-wave Maquerade)> received Z-Wave command: {args={value=255}, cmd_class=“BASIC”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\xFF”, src_channel=0, version=1}
1 Like

Thank you. Will force it when I get back home and report back. Thanks much!