[ST Edge] Issues with multi-component devices and third-party integrations

Sorry but I don’t have information about this kind of issue. Someone reported it in another post I think but I couldn’t find it.
I suggest you contact Customer Support to get updates, they’re not regularly in the Community forum.

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  1. Open the SmartThings app
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  4. Accept the generation of logs, fill up the form describing your issue as detailed as possible, and screen captures of the issue always help.
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This has been raised many times for months, from myself included - as well as in private email conversations with you.

I do hope the developers don’t continue to ignore this fundamental oversight for much longer. It’s a step back and a very unnecessary irritation at the least.

Please :pray::pray::pray: fix!


Hi @nayelyz

I have noticed that my Neo Coolcam double switch after repairing have been added as two separate components instead one multi component as before. I also see some commits into zwave-dual-switch which is used by Neo coolcam fingerprint, which would suggest such change too: History for drivers/SmartThings/zwave-switch/src/zwave-dual-switch - SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsEdgeDrivers · GitHub

It is a great information that those multicomponent switches are going to be handled as separate components but for now it doesn’t seem to work as expected. Problems which I have noticed so far are:

  1. child “Switch 1” elements are still shown in main component (but unusable) as shown below on first screenshot even though child component “Loo mirror light” is seperated as shown on screenshot 2:

  2. child component “Loo mirror light” is working only for a day after pairing it with smartthings hub. Next day it stops working (main is still working) and is not responsive at all, and following error shown when trying to change the state:

Keep in mind that I have tried to repair it couple times and the situation is always the same. It works only for w day.

Could you please escalate those bugs to “Dawid Sobierajski” or “Konrad Klimczak” as they seem to be working on those handlers.

Sounds like:

Yes that is exactly the same scenario.