[ST Edge] Is it possible to upgrade device's firmware using OTA?

If only ZigBee had similar capability :frowning:

is zigbee next as the Edge transition is nearing the end?

@nayelyz or @Zach_Varberg ,

This is really disappointing, but considering this update was from February, has STs position changed or will ST abandon OTA for Zigbee and force customers to go another route?

Isn’t the ability to check for, and update firmware, available for Zigbee devices in the new advanced web UI? I’ve seen the commands listed but maybe I’m confused.

It’s there and you can run it from the advanced web site, but ST still needs additional things on there end to make sure it works, plus work with device manufacturers (which from other discussions in another forum aren’t happening to well)

I see, so maybe it would be interesting to know which manufacturers have done, or are doing, their homework.
Personally I tried with an IKEA device and it updated.

Inovelli has been 100% commited to working with smartthings to enable this critical feature. From the sounds of it, Smartthings is the one who is not interested.

Can you confirm, are you saying your Ikea devices have zigbee updates enabled on smartthings and have updated on edge drivers? Ty

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As I posted on another thread here some 2 weeks ago I updated an IKEA shortcut button on the UI. This device has a serious problem with battery life although it runs with an excellent community Edge driver. The UI shows the update on that day as can be seen, while I really do believe it, as the battery is hanging on at 37% when before it lasted a week. Maybe as I said before I’ve got it wrong - BTW I have no other hub nor have I ever used DTH.

The 2.3.015 firmware is very old, probably from about 2020. My shortcut button has been on 2.3.080 for a very long time and the latest, from May this year, is now described as 24.4.6 so I am not seeing an update there.

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Ok, thanks. That clears it up then, the confirmation messages on the web UI are meaningless and it’s not updating.



So, are Zigbee device firmware updates officially not supported any longer? I have added a bunch of new devices that need a firmware update but it is not happening! When I originally added the same devices back in November of 2022 they updated after a day or so. I know at that time there was a newer version and it got updated. Now the same devices show the old firmware and the available firmware is the old one.

This device added last year shows latest firmware version 20085010, which is the latest.

Device added a few days ago shows latest firmware version available as 20015010 which is not the latest available. It should be 20085010 as it was last year.

Sorry, but I don’t have more information than the one I shared here:

That’s the response from the engineering team and our team doesn’t participate in any decision-making process, so, we can only share the info provided to us.
We have previously shared your feedback/concerns with the team as well but it depends on them if this is enabled or not.
If you’re not receiving the update automatically as before, it means it’s not available and there’s nothing we can do to force it somehow.

Thanks for your quick response. I’m not sure why then Smartthings seems to think that it is wise to include the buttons below in the Advanced section of the website. It only sends the community down rabbit holes and irritates them. If it doesn’t work then why the buttons!!

I’m not asking for a new feature here, I’m asking for Smartthings to fix something they broke! This was working on Edge as I showed in my previous screen shots!


That view is autogenerated based on the configuration of the firmwareUpdate capability. You can verify it has those commands included on its definition using this CLI command:

smartthings capabilities firmwareUpdate -j

So, it is expected they appear there because they exist in the capability and it’s the same for any other one, the corresponding commands will appear there but it depends on the device’s controller (driver, Schema, etc.) if it actually does something.

I’ll see if there’s a way for the team to stop this capability in particular from generating something there, but what I explained above is something that you need to consider for any capability of the device.
It can happen that a command is shown there but it won’t do anything when we press the button. It depends on the developer if there’s a handler for that command. Otherwise, you can definitely push those buttons and the command will be seen in the controller of the device but if there isn’t a handler for it, the interaction ends there.

Then why is this displayed after you push the upgrade button? Dosent this seem a little misleading? Shouldnt this say something like " Sorry this function no longer works because we broke it"