Somfy Blind Motors

Hi all,

just purchased a Somfy motorised roller blind (indoor) and am thinking of getting several more.

I read an article on here about integrating with Smartthings that refers to a ZRTSI hub, but Somfy appear to only offer Conexoon and Tahoma hubs at the moment.

Tahoma appears to link directly to Alexa so I am guessing that is the way to go. I think i’m only really wanting voice control rather than automation but Im sure that will change one day :slight_smile:

So, any pointers or suggestions would be welcome.


Which blinds did you get. If they’re ZWave you dont need an additional hub

Its a Somfy Roll Up 24 WF RTS Li-ION

I cant tell if its ZWave from any of the info I have.

Here you go Ian - The fact the model number has RTS in it means it uses Somfy’s RTS tech - and there fore you’ll need an RTS hub or bridge. Both the Connection and Tahoma should both be able to do RTS.

Read this thread - it should have what you need. Somfy Window Shades & SmartThings Integration Guide for the year 2020! (ZRTSI)

That said I prefer straight up Zwave Somfys (Somfy motors go in Springs Window Fashion Blinds, which are also marketed as Graber and Bali) I got all mine from Zebrablinds:

Thanks Nathan,

I cant find any zwave Somfys in the UK so I guess I will but their hub when I get the next batch of blinds.

The ZRTSI (Z-Wave non-Plus) is Somfy # 1811265, but I believe that it has only been released with the US Z-Wave frequency.

They can be found on eBay.
Somfy 16 channel ZRTSI

Be aware that there are two versions, an older one (avoid) and the updated one (16 channel, with LCD display and 2 buttons on the front). Avoid the older one.

I bought mine about a year ago on eBay for about $120 USD. They are becoming hard to find. Again, note that they are US frequency Z-Wave.