As naggy as this is, I wanted to air out a huge pita issue that has a programmatically simple fix but as a user I have no way to fix it.
Somehow when migrating from ST classic to ST on samsung account the samsung account got set to the country code “Germany”. I have a shield TV as a hub so now NOTHING can be added via the new mobile app.
Long story short, programmatically there is a single field in a database at samsung that is the source of all of my woes but no one, (apparently) can change that field.
I’ve been told that instead of changing my country to USA, I must remove every single switch, dimmer, light bulb, remote, button, and so on in my entire house. Something like 100+ devices or so. Wipe the hub and factory reset, create a new account with the correct country code, re-add every single device, recreate all of the custom code to get my in-wall buttons working again, re-add all of the smart apps, and reconfigure every app, scene and smartapp to work the way I’d like them to work. This, of course, because there is no backup option. Nor is there an option to move my smartthings service from one samsung account to another.
So Samsung shuns about 30 minutes of tech-time needed to change a teensy country code on my account, while instead, I have to go through a week of asshattery to redo everything I’ve ever done on my network… Plus I’m signed up for this week of asshattery next time some wierd issue crops up.
mmn. Nah.
If I get to the step of resetting my hub, it’ll be to re-add every device to a different hub and ditch samsung all together. As soon as I post this, in fact, I’ll search again for another competitor that fits my needs.
In business these are the kinds of issues that create a waterfall event. It happens when a company leans on an innovative product without going back to address the minor pitfalls over time. Instead, because of the command of their market segement bean counters and accountants enjoy a period where they can cut corners and see graphably positive results. The numbers look good for all the skrimping and saving but they’ve managed to create a very fickle client base in the process.
Everyone who buys their stuff is only buying thier stuff for a set of benefits that are rapidly being redeveloped by compeditors. In fact, the frustration this causes tends to INSPIRE people to start thier own business to compete. Eventually a competitor catches up and a sell off becomes inevitable.
It’s been years since this issue has cropped up. I’ve stopped expecting a decent reply. All I know is I absolutely depore everything “Samsung” because they always seem to come locked up with these kinds of issues. Extra software on the phones and tablets. Short product lifetimes. Product abandonment. Etc.
In fact, now that I think about it, if I ever were to buy another samsung device I’d have to create a completely different account for it because this account is permanently locked in Deutschland.