SmartThings/Samsung Account Migration Beta

You will need a Samsung account, period.

I would not do anything until they force the migration upon us.

The communication that has gone out for this in th ST Classic app and the generic email updates that ST has sent out is poor.

The judgement that was used to begin this migration process is really bad. Having both apps coincide side by side is one thing, but their methodology, well it doesn’t matter that I disagree with it.

Bottom line, for now, to keep yourself out of trouble, continue running SmartThings in the Classic app as you have been doing and wait for them to give you 3 hours notice to perform the migration to the new App.

@slagle - you have had to see the 15 different topics on this over the last week. Who thought this was a great way to introduce this to the ST customer base with these emails and inserted notifications into the classic app?

I roll with what you guys do, but the way this is being rolled out is creating more pandemonium because people don’t know what the heck they are supposed to do. Telling them to update or install the new app when it isn’t even complete. They see this and think that they have to install now, not even knowing that they must first create a Samsung account to do so. Then when they do, their accounts are jacked up with Home locations.

I thought when the migration was ready, people would simply be notified by email and then they would be presented with the Migration Banner in their current ST Classic app to cutover on a specific date. Instead you guys have created mass hysteria for people and they have no clue what they are supposed to do. Just my thoughts.