SmartThings recent failures in stability and support

Yah… All great points; but frankly, reiterating what’s been said by Community folks dozens of times in various contexts. The result: It’s not the specific failures that are the greatest concern; it is the FACT that SmartThings cannot get their act together: That means there probably has been a catastrophic failure of upper management.

And, seriously: that is either much harder or much easier to fix than technical problems, depending on the “will” of the people who have the authority to make change happen. Should some heads roll? … sooner or later, probably. As I’ve posted elsewhere recently, Samsung will cut SmartThings loose if they can’t figure out how to manage the division. It’s not personal – a LOT of startups have difficulty adapting to the next phase of growth. Entrepreneurs do not necessarily have the skills required to grow and manage past a certain point in a company’s evolution. That’s why there are “serial entrepreneurs”. They should move on to the next success or a few failures and success. That’s what an entrepreneur does. They don’t stubbornly sink their own ships (like the CEO of Quirky/Wink, Ben Kaufman did).

Anyhow… I suggest y’all might as well slide over to the existing, still live, still super popular, relevant Topic, regardless of the tangents it has from time to time: