Droid app won’t load, IDE as well, SmartTiles.
Status page says OK.
Droid app won’t load, IDE as well, SmartTiles.
Status page says OK.
Something is broken. I’m down. I was even signed out of the app on my phone.
Nothing working for me either.
Down here as well. Rebooted hub, no difference. They must be having global problem.
Saves me a re-boot…
And status is updated
Some users may be unable to load the SmartThings app, control devices, or access the web UI. We are currently investigating.
Jan 16, 18:46 EST
Yep, definitely major issue. No mobile app, no IDE logon either.
ditto in Texas
This must have happened in the last 15 mins or so. I got home just prior to that and my mobile presence was working.
Yep. Just got the e-mail. Here we go again…
Some users may be unable to load the SmartThings app, control devices, or access the web UI. We are currently investigating.
Jan 16, 18:46 EST
he got his bulbs added just in time didn’t he?
Also down…ugh!!
Yes totally down, no integration’s working either.
Same in North Carolina.
Hope it wasn’t a North Korean Missle that knocked it out.
Is this a missile test… Hawaiian style?
Nope still down
We are going to blame the outage on @tmwhite07 for pressing the button on his Hue Bridge.
It was a Live button, not a test.
That’s what I call a coincidence. Literally went down within a minute of button being pressed.
Down for me too
Down for me as well, definitely looks to be universal