Hi, I have a Samsung Galaxy 2 Pro 360 laptop.
And the Smartthings Find tab is missing from the app.
I saw in m. store, that this option exists, but I don’t have it.
I would appreciate some explanation on how to get this. Thanks.
Thanks for trying to help, but I don’t think you got it right.
I have the most advanced, latest greatest Samsung computer right now.
I don’t think it’s not supported…
I agree it would be utterly ridiculous, but many are those who have found SmartThings not working on their latest and greatest phones so it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
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Have you added the device to your Samsung account?
ok so In the end it worked out.
after deleting all my data in smart things and reopening the account
now the Smartthings Find tab - appears !
(Although I don’t see it as necessary because there is no GPS chip in this computer anyway)
It doesn’t show my location even though in Windows settings the location is on…
Anyway, many thanks to all the helpers!
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