You should see an entry in Menu > History
in the mobile app when it runs, as long as the ‘General History’ is enabled.
Spot on, yes I can see this, many thanks.
@Paul, Just received an email from Tuya that the services have to be renewed - looks like this service was activate only for a month. I am using the virtual device to talk to smartthings as per this thread so please can you let me know if this is the case for you as well?
I actually have 2 Tuya development accounts. One is over 2 years old and the 2nd one is around a month old. I have never received any correspondence from Tuya about these accounts. Maybe I will receive one soon on the new account.
OK. Do you have IoT Core service enabled?
I would say no, but I am not sure. I see the following button to upgrade on both accounts.
Below the screen, you should see the project you created and on the far right, you should see ‘open project’ so can you click on that, wait for the new screen to load, click on service api tab and see if you are seeing the IoT core service in the bottom? This is what I see,
Except IoT Core, if I click on the view details for the other services, they are activated permanently and does not have an expiry date but when I view details on the IoT core service, the expiry is tomorrow and have raised a request for extension now.
Oh OK, when I created, it asked me to subscribe to these services which is probably why I didn’t need the refresh code in rules api to set the virtual switch in ST when the virtual switch in tuya changes. I renewed the service by filling a few details online and received an email that the service has been renewed for the next 6 months so will defer this worry for 6 months now.