Just tried my first WiFi controlled smart outlets.
The brand is Nedis and uses the SmartLife app and adding them there was super simple
and the work great.
Added Smartlife via the + sign, SmartLife and then picked an outlet.
This opened up the connection to SmartLife and I logged in with my Smartlife
account. I get a confirmation that the connection has succeeded but the devices doesn’t show up…
Any suggestions on why?
It’s not like I can do much wrong…
Open the device in the SmartLife app, click on the pencil in the top right and check if SmartThings is listed as a Third-Party connection. Not all SmartLife devices work with SmartThings.
I know it has been a looong time ago … but can you still integrate SmartLife in Smartthings? I can’t see any support for Nedis/SmartLife, nor Tuya for that matter.
So maybe Edge just doesn’t cut anymore?
Looking at those wifi outlets as well, but also some other products
I’m trying but I can’t seem to find SmartLife … only Smart Life, which doesn’t seem to be the same, I mean I can find both Smart Life and Nedis SmartLife on app store so definitely looks like different apps
Looking in the Google app store the Nedis SmartLife app appears to be a re-skinned version of the Smart Life (with space) and Tuya apps. The easiest way to tell is download the Tuya or Smart Life apps and try pairing your device with it…
Tuya is a large Chinese IoT company providing backend services, re-skinned apps, device operating system, and hardware to dozens of companies. In general all the devices regardless of the Name work with both the Smart Life and Tuya apps.
Maybe Nedis SmartLife could be integrated as well although not on the list?
In any case, both Tuya and Smart Life apps can be integrated and I hope I can pair everything I intend to buy in any of these 2.
I was looking into some smart outlet swiches w/wo energymeter, LED strips, floodlight with sensor, movement/presence sensors, switches …
I see as well that some (older) devices are RF, those are not viable, but also quite some Zigbee devices as well, these surely require Nedis hub for pairing in apps and then they can be integrated to ST … most probably can’t be paired to ST since ST offers just app integration, not pairing with individual zigbee devices … or does it? Maybe it could be added directly, with bypassing the app?
Soory for my nooby questions, I haven’t been using ST for over a year now. We moved to new house and the (grand) plan was to upgrade to HA, but I guess I can give ST another chance. I would surely have to spend quite some time learning and getting used to HA …
Little OT now, since I’m a bit rusty … maybe you could answer some of these?
Is my ST v3 (not Aeotec) hub fully Matter and Thread compatible/capable?
Are Aqara devices still problematic in a sense that they have to be re-added constantly? Would Aqara hub actually help?
In the regards to above questions, should I get Aqara hub? I have quite some devices. M2 or M3? If my ST hub is Matter/Thread capable, maybe no need for M3?
Still waking up at nights and crying about Webcore … are there any viable alternatives for advanced automations? I’ve been using SharpTools free for some time and I liked it, however free version was quite limited. I have seen some posts here aboute Node-RED and/or Tasker integration, also Samsung automation studio … there is a posibility for Rules API, but I found this to be intimidating. Is Samsung offering any alternative with a bit more advanced automations and friendly/easy UI?
When using the SmartLife - ST integration it will let you choose what SmartLife app you want to integrate and Nedis will possibly be a choice. You will need to try it and see what options you get.
Many or all of your existing ZigBee devices should be able to pair with your ST v3 hub. In many cases you will need to find and install community written edge drivers.
The ST v3 hub works with Matter over WiFi, Matter over Thread, and Matter over Bridge.
Aqara ZigBee Devices can be directly added to ST. With a good ZigBee mesh they should work. You could also get an Aqara hub that is a Matter Bridge and use it as the connection.
Tuya (Denver) based cameras will likely pair with the SmartLife app but will NOT show up in ST.
Between Routines, API Rules and SharpTools you you be able to replace WebCore.
NodeRed is an option but it would require you to run a sever to use it.
API Rules still requires coding but there some threads with examples you can copy and paste into the Rules API using the Advanced Web App (AWA). Here is an example.
I have Nedis Zigbee climate sensor ZBSC10WT (temperure & humidity) and it’s directly connected to SmartThings Hub v3. It’s using Zigbee Temp Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc driver.
Thanks a lot! My goal is to NOT have any other hubs beside ST v3.
So if I can add Nedis zigbee devices directly with drivers, I don’t need or want Nedis/Tuya hubs.
The reason I mentioned Aqara hub was the issues I was facing with Aqara devices like temp and humidity sensor, button, cube, motion P2 before in the times of Groovy, but also in the early days of drivers.
To even add any I would have to power off all of my other zigbee devices, then it would take a few attempts until I managed to add, and eventually, after some time, they would drop out again, cube especially, but all of them. If a simple inexpensive M2 Aqara hub would fix this, I’m all in