Short guide here
Thanks, that is likely my problem.
Yes it will, automatically run
See the button “link app account”?
It’s disabled
And create several different devices like plugs, sensors, even bulbs. Only a few could show up in ST. It’s trial and error.
Like any Tuya device you need to open the device tile and check for 3rd party integrations. If ST is not listed, delete the device and keep trying until you find 1 with an ST integration.
Try the following one under Power Strips. It will give you 5 virtual devices that show up in ST.
When you say open a tile, where exactly?
Just to mention the steps I tried,
- Created a project
- Created an asset
- I tried adding the Brazilian strip and am still not able to link app as per this screenshot. I am using tuya smart and not smart life - not sure if this makes a difference.
This works with the Tuya, SmartLife and other Tuya based apps
You are doing something different than me. I have a half dozen Tuya virtual devices that work, but my device list (shown in your screen shot) is blank.
Steps that I follow: cloud, open project, devices, add devices, add virtual device, select the device I want, add virtual device, add to Tuya app account, scan the QR code with the Tuya mobile app. And the device shows up in the Tuya app. Them in ST I go to linked services and choose SmartLife to refresh the list in ST. They show up in no room assigned.
Thanks for your help on this Paul. All done now. I can see the VD in the Tuya app and ST app. In electrical, I had to choose the first one which says UK plug…and it saved as a plug in the Tuya app.
One thing I noticed is, if I on or off this in Tuya, it reflects in ST so could I not write a scene in Tuya for ‘If gas detected, then turn on this switch’ rather than using refresh rules in ST or sharptools?
If you virtual Tuya switch updates in ST you are good to go. No refresh rule is needed. The problem is that most of the Tuya virtual devices don’t update in ST, so you found a good one.
Remember you can only use each Tuya virtual device once.
FYI. The Brazilian Plug Strip also updates in ST if you need any additional virtual Tuya switches
Thank you @Johnnybegoode and @TapioX with your help I am able to create API rules using the Advanced Web App.
Just for interest, what do you think of this function within the web UI?
I like it. I can find a similar rule, copy the code and past it into a new rule and make the needed changes. In addition I can do quick edits to existing rules. I should be able to do a lot of this on my android tablet with firing up my old Laptop.
I am not a Coder, so I depend on copying a similar rule and they make minor changes.
What I really like is have one spot to find all my Routines, API Rules, and Smart lighting Recipes.
I’m with you there, and find the ‘Logic View’ interesting to see the rule’s operation.
Seems to me there might be a possibility of further development there, in that view, bringing rules more into the mainstream. Useful that deleted devices are shown as ‘Unnamed’, and can be traced, which has always been a difficulty.
Seems that you can’t use the 100 character naming which is interesting if you want to use a descriptive title and don’t see any reason for that.
Thanks for note. Yes, ST is working as intended and it correctly shows the status of each switch in the ST app. The only issue is the naming of the devices.
This is the refresh rule I wrote within the square bracket and it is working fine. How do I know if this code ran? I mean, is there a place to see the log?
“every”: {
“interval”: {
“value”: {
“integer”: 5
“unit”: “Minute”
“actions”: [
“command”: {
“devices”: [
“commands”: [
“component”: “main”,
“capability”: “refresh”,
“command”: “refresh”
I don’t know. Maybe @TapioX or @orangebucket has some insight