Smartthing Hub V3 (2018) fails setup

I am assuming you’ve gone through this procedure.

Finally got it working, On First anther few try, My hub reset buttom somehow got stuck in reset position :anguished:, and finally problem was even my router internet was working fine, my internet provider reset the router remotely and vola it set-up in first try, i know i reset my router few times before . thanks John for your help.

Glad to hear. Adding other devices to the Hub is pretty easy and it should go smoothly. I installed a Kwikset Z-Wave Dead Bolt and it works pretty good. One tip that I would give you is that whenever you open the ST App, the app automatically opens WiFi. If you find this annoying, you can disable it by turning off the “auto device discovery” option in the settings for ST App. I found this annoying when I wasn’t at home and trying to remotely control something via my phone data connection and the WiFi would launch. Happy that you were able to get it going. Good luck!

Hi, I am having the same issue and I have tried factory resetting the device, hard wiring via Ethernet as well as wifi (wifi is my preferred connection choice since im out of Ethernet ports on my modem/router combo from Verizon).
my phone will connect to the ST hub but I never get prompted to select the wifi I want to connect to or enter in my wifi’s password it just says Hub is offline (if its connected via Ethernet) or No wifi networks found (if I try setting it up via wifi) I am using a samsung galaxy S8 phone to do the set up not sure if that makes a difference (but its the only phone I have access to).
any solutions or ideas on whats going on and why my brand new hub i got from amazon isn’t finishing the set up?

I too had a brand new unit from Amazon that failed set up. I returned it and got another one and that one came up normally. I have a feeling that it’s faulty firmware but you can’t upload firmware until you do set up so it’s catch 22. You may want to get another one and hope that the firmware on it is newer.