SmartTag: get info with my Android app?


I have a few Samsung SmartTags.

I registered then with SmartThings Find.

I wish to create an app for my phone which shows me a list with every single SmartTag and its battery.

Challenge: from BLE ad, I can extract battery info, but I can’t judge which SmartTag does it belongs to. Because SmartTags are randomizing their BT MAC address constantly.

Challenge 2: where these tags (and the phone) is planned to be, there is no network coverage.

Shooting for web APIs is something I can’t use.

So how can I extract the ID information for my SmartTags within my Android App which is installed to the same Android phone that activated the SmartTags? (Phone still has SmartThings Find installed).


I’m developing my own application for Android. So what I’m looking for is an API or SDK.

Hi @danergo
In this tool Samsung account, you can check the battery status to see if it’s being registered in the API.

Tags don’t report their battery status via the API.

They don’t report it as an attribute but you can certainly see the tag battery level via the API. Unfortunately the Advanced Web App doesn’t seem to make the full device object visible, which is a significant omission in my book. If you’ve gone to the trouble to pull objects from the API you might as well make them available in their raw form.

This one is OK.

            "battery": {
                "level": "MEDIUM",
                "updated": 1738250254

This one needs a battery change.

            "battery": {
                "level": "VERY_LOW",
                "updated": 1738250254

Unfortunately that doesn’t help the OP, though there might perhaps be some other static metadata in the API that is also visible over BLE and would allow the tags to be identified.

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Are aware of anything like this?

some other static metadata in the API that is also visible over BLE and would allow the tags to be identified

Moreover, how can I use the API from my Android app? Can you please post some link/tutorial/video/document?

Thank you!

Which API call are you using? I tried and got nothing:

    "quantity": {
        "value": null
    "battery": {
        "value": null
    "type": {
        "value": null

Folks, I need solution to get ID and Battery info on real Android device without internet!

You just need so you can see the device object. The device object always has an object associated with the device type and in this case tags are BLE_D2D devices and the object of interest is ‘bleD2D’.

  "bleD2D": {
    "metadata": {
      "battery": {
        "level": "VERY_LOW",
        "updated": 1738250254
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Ah, I see the same info if I use the CLI and specify JSON as the output. Otherwise, it’s not returned.

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I’m looking for an API/SDK which my Android app can use to trigger and query information from SmartThings Find app installed on the same device.

The device itself has no internet connection.

Some online forum mentioned I need to use SmartThings Find API. But they didn’t provided me methods how to do it. I need some authorization I guess.

Can you help me with this?

To the best of my knowledge the only information regarding SmartThings Find that is available to an end user is found at Get Started With Mobile Connected Devices | Developer Documentation | SmartThings and that is pretty much nothing really.

Problem is this page shows technical aspects of developing a samsung find compatible device. Its not my case, I want to trigger samsung find.

Where shall I post my question? Samsung main support channel denied answering due to its not their topic and redirected me here.

Hi @danergo

The information you’re seeking without using the SmartThings API is not supported by the SmartTags. SmartTags require a connection with the SmartThings app to leverage their full range of capabilities, including remote tracking and searching.

To ensure you get the most out of your SmartTag, it’s essential to use the SmartThings app. For further details, you can refer to this official Samsung Support article, which outlines the features and requirements for SmartTag functionality.

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Im not indending to skip SmartThings API.

I wish to create my own android app which can communicate with SmartThings API to get SmartTags data.