I have to say that after a rough January, (I still think related to all the people that got new hubs and were using them a lot and ST needed to add capacity to handle them) February was a pretty good month for me. (I installed hub v.2 right at the end of January, so maybe that is part of it?)
I did not have a single missed sunrise/sunset event. Every time I walked into a room with a motion sensor, the appropriate “things” happened. All of my alerts seem to have been delivered.
The iOS app is still a little slower than I’d like it to be, but I only recall one time where I force-quit it out of frustration, and it didn’t forget who I was and make me log back in once the entire month!
I had one GE Link bulb that forgot it was already connected and then had to be re-configured when it joined again, which is always a pain…
I added several devices this month and they all paired up and worked like a champ on the first try. (I had issues with my new Echo, but that was late January and was resolved before February started, I believe…)
The community has delivered some impressive functionality, Rule Machine in particular is doing AWESOME. That cancel if the rule changes thing is da BOMB. Thank you! @bravenel
Arduino support delivered by @ogiewon’s code continues to be bullet proof!
(As a side note, ST support, you guys gotta get both of these guys’ stuff integrated into the “official” stuff ASAP!!!)
Overall, I would give ST an A- for February. A marked improvement over January and December.
(I know, I’m speaking too soon since they’ve tempted the Gods by scheduling a hub update on leap day, but I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that it will go off without a hitch.)
Thank you to the entire ST team and the ST community for building a great environment for all of us to geek out in and do some really cool things with our houses.