Smart Home Monitor now DEAD after intrusion detected

Not sure if anyone has had this problem. So I just set up a DLink DCS-5029L camera and paired it with the ST hub. I set it up to record when intrusion was detected. I changed “Away” mode and opened a window that had a multipurpose sensor which should have triggered the camera to start recording. I received the alert, went into the app to check, and all I got was Smart Home Monitor stuck on “Loading”! Waited, killed the app, restarted, no change. Power-cycled the phone, opened app, still showed “Loading”! I think I’m going to have to uninstall and re-install the app altogether…

Uninstalled and re-installed the ST app. Now SHM is just BLANK.

Hey @kel

Reach out to support ( they can get you sorted out :smile:

Yep. Emailed support earlier and just a a reply a little while ago. They think it may be a communication issue between the camera and ST…

Still not fully resolved… now SHM doesn’t crash, but still can’t view the video clip after an intrusion though I can finally view live stream directly from the ST app now. I know it’s a free feature right now, but if it’s going to be a paid feature it needs to be much more reliable than this. It’s a pretty big piece of a home security/monitoring system.

Just tested again after contacting support. Looks like it’s finally working!

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I am getting this same issue with perpetual “Loading” screens. No camera in my system, but system craps out after Intrusion Detection and does not allow me to Dismiss or Disarm… Very frustrating. Using Android app.

SHM is having major issues. You can check the status below: