Smart Home Monitor Missing in new app?


I can’t for the life of me find out how to enable the SHM in the new app?
The instructions tells me to open More options and Manage Boards but I can’t find it in the app?

  1. Navigate to SmartThings.

From the Home screen, swipe up or down to access the Apps screen. Touch the Samsung folder, and then touch SmartThings .

  1. Edit the Dashboard.

On the Dashboard tab, touch More Options , and then touch Manage dashboard . Here you can touch the different sliders to change what displays on the Dashboard, such as the Top banner, your devices, your Scenes, advice cards, and more.

Can someone screenshot what I should be looking for?


Click on the + in the upper right of the screen and select Add Automation. You should see Smart Home Monitor in the list, assuming you are in a region that it is an available option. Choose it and it will be added to your dashboard.

The question for you - do you have a link to the instructions you provided above. They make no sense to me :slight_smile:


I don’t see it unfortunately, do we know which regions are eligible?
I’m in Sweden (EU) and got the SHM in the ST classic app… It’s actually one of the main reasons I went with ST. A bit silly to Geo block a feature like this, I have a hard time trying to figure out a reason for it…

I got the info from here.

It’s linked from Step 2 in this

It is available in the US and possibly the UK. You may want to contact ST support and put in a request for access to SHM in your country.


Yeah I’ll see if they can do that… Fingers crossed… :slight_smile:
Otherwise I’m guessing a VPN and a UK address might enable it… Question is if it will stick.

Thanks for your super quick replies!!

Install the SmartThings Classic app.


Doubtful, it would use the country used when you set up your Samsung account.


Mine has been there all along, but has disappeared completely since yesterday…

Any clues as to that?

I’m having the same issue. Been using it fine in the US for months. Now it’s totally gone.

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I learned from the get go, to use the one in the new app… not the classic…

but, I can still see it in the Classic App… and in the GUI (online)

but not from the new app anymore… It was there yesterday (PM) gone this AM.

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Yea, I can see it in the Classic app, but I never use the Classic app. I’m finding a few other posts online about this issue too.

Ah, thanks for your note Mike… maybe it’s an outtage sort of issue and not 'just us"
Hopeful that they can get it solved with no user interaction on our end…
and it just reappears when so…

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Discussion of the bug that occurred on 26 June 2019 is in the following thread:

Arm & Disarm tile missing (SHM disappeared from V3 app 26 June 2019, had been working fine)

Also, it’s important to note that the “smart home monitor“ feature in the V2 classic app and the “smart home monitor” feature in the new V3 app are completely different code and have different features, they just happen to have the same name. So, for example, an SHM automation which is set up in the V2 classic app cannot be dismissed in the V3 app, and vice versa.

So the fact that a bug occurs in one of the apps and not the other doesn’t tell you anything. It’s not the same code. :scream:


Definitely report it to support. The more people who report it, the more resources they will assign to fixing it. :wink:


Thank you for the Info JD


SmartThings Home Monitor in the new V3 app :slight_smile: there was a recent name change


Oh, yeah, I forgot they recently renamed it in the V3 app.