While I am no developer, I am a Linux user, so I am not afraid of getting in, reading, asking questions, and trying things out. And I am starting to dig more into development to mostly scrape rust off of my aging brain, so I have recently opened a github of my own, and started through hammering away at some html5 and perl stuff. I know perl isn’t anyones favorite anymore, but it’s one of the languages I used a LONG time ago when I did that kind of work…
Coming over from Iris to Smartthings is a bit like upgrading from say if older Ubuntu Linux had init based on System V and iptables firewalls, and going to CentOS 7, with systemd, oh, and SELinux in enforcing mode… Not an impossible task, but certainly a learning curve.
The short lead time before Iris goes away entirely is another of the driving factors. I could probably catch this with a few months of casually strolling through the forum, quietly watching and experimenting on my own, but I need to be covered. I am after all protecting my family, and my home…
Hopefully folks have noticed that as I figure things out, I try my best with the time and skill given, to share my findings and document any procedures I can come up with to help out the greater community.
I am going to keep that https://account.SmartThings.com bookmarked as that will certainly help out. The method I showed earlier was what I gleaned, and it worked, but seems like a longer path to the same thing.
Yesterday as we were moving about the house, I was keeping the alarm in armed, stay mode. We weren’t going in and out, and honestly, the neighbors that are the main problem were. We have a renter in a home next door with a teenage kid, since they moved in there has been a spike in property crime in the neighborhood. Not sure if it is the kid, or his friends, or even directly related, but certainly enough of a coincidence to keep me concerned.
As I moved about the house, my wife opened the door to the home office, one of the rooms with the Iris sensor, and not configured for my Home Security alerting as it is not ADT, and the alarm went off. I was able to disarm the alarm and tried it again, this time in the workshop door from the house, again same thing, alarm blaring, lights on etc…
I removed the Iris sensors but kept getting text messages from Smart Home Monitor RE: intrustion detection into Office door, or Workshop door.
I drilled into the push notifications in my history panel, and sure enough, it took me to SHM.
So that begs the question. How do I now fully disable SHM / keep it from trying to arm / disarm instead of ADT Home Security? I am now using ADT Tools 2 that gives me more at least obvious options compared to SHM.
If you try the classic app, under my home and then things. Select one of iris contact sensors, then select Smart Apps (top right corner), are you able to see the smart home monitor rule that is causing the alarm to sound? If so, you should be able to delete the rule here.