Hello @nayelyz
I have a Shelly EM with 2 clamps: one to read the production of my solar panels and the other to read the house consumption.
When I look at Shelly App I see these values:
Panels with 1.5kW of production
And I’m sending 957.82W to the grid
When I look at the ST App, what I see is this:
(When I took the print, the values already changed )
Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
so, my conclusion is that the app rounds the value and this is the reason for mWh, I have been able to see the manufacturer’s logs, and they only sent the value, not the unit, so I don’t know how they are managing this or if when a value is sent it means kWh or mWh.
you can confirm if the values are correct by rounding by yourself (on my test it works correctly) and if something is wrong you should contact the manufacturer to check how they are handling the value
Ok, thank you for your time.
The values are correct, just need to now that W in Shelly are kW in ST, and kW in Shelly are mW in ST.
That’s ok.
One other thing, if you can help me…
Since this Shelly devices are shown in ST as a Switch, is there a way to make a virtual device that can show the value in the tile? Mirroring the value from the Shelly device??
(Please contact @nayelyz or @Luis_Humberto_Medina )
If you have SmartThings / Aeotec Hub you can use this driver and Energy virtual device
It is possible to define scaling in the Energy virtual device’s settings.
I think that using Rules API is possible to copy Shelly energy values to Energy virtual device.
Yes, I think this is what a want…
An Energy device will show the value (kwh) in the tile.
So I will only have to discover how to copy the Shelly value to the Virtual Device
It works! I’ve never made a Rule API before, but after your example and some reading of Rules API documentation, I was able to make my first 2 rules
Now I have these 2 devices, that show the values in the tile:
Just don’t understand why do you need the 2nd rule to update every 10 minutes. In my case, the values are constantly updating, with just 1 rule…
Yes, going to the device settings I can choose between Wh and kWh, but the problem remains (like I said on the first post…
As you can see in the picture above, I have selected the Wh option, and the 1256.9wh value corresponds to 1.25kWh, and that is what I would like to see on the tile…
If I change to kWh this 1256.9wh changes to 1.256Mwh
I just don’t understand what do you mean with “You can ask from T Austin if he can add scaling to Energy virtual device.”
Another question for you @TapioX : How can I make a calculation using a Rule API ???
Example: I want to create another virtual device that will give me the “House Real Consumption”.
For this I need to make the sum of both Shelly devices values: “Production + Consumption”.
I’m not sure I have any control over what the SmartThings app shows in terms of units. In my experience, it doesn’t matter what value and unit combination I ‘send’ to SmartThings - it will display the value/unit that it wants to.