@RightHand Thank you for your reply. no… I’m not familiar with doing GitHub integration. It’s that complicated? I’ll try to google and see if I can find any instruction about that.
Many thanks for your advise
Hey folks! I have 2 sensi thermostats, and i’ve added the custom device handler for it, but im a bit lost as to how to pair them?
My thermostats are already connected to my home wiif and they work with the official sensii app.
But if i try to discover devices via smartthings, i fail to find them.
I’ve done manual pairing with other devices like xiaomi thermometers (where i have to catch the device id and manually create it etc), but is that what i need to do here as well?
It’s a different process than from that. Go to marketplace, under smartapps, scroll to the bottom to my apps, if installed correctly the Sensi smartapp will be listed. Enter you credentials and hit done/save.
I really appreciate the work that went into putting this together. I have it installed and working well, but I haven’t figured out how to do some automation that I had in mind. I would like to be able to set the thermostat to an extreme value (say, 55 deg) when I leave (this is easy to do), and then when I return, have it return to its program (this I haven’t figured out).
I think you can set ST to change your overall Mode based on your presence. Once you have that set up, you can use the “Keep Me Cozy II” smart app in the ST Marketplace to set your thermostat settings based on the Mode.
Thanks @Kirk_Brown for writing this app. I was able to use my sensi with the old smartthings app up until now. It looks like Samsung is retiring that app anytime and replacing with a new Smartthings app. On the new smartthings app, the sensi thermostat does not open up. It shows up as available but upon clicking on it, nothing happens.
I had just purchased the sensi thermostat to use with smartthings app but if the old app retires, are there chances this thermostat will work with the new app?
Thank you,
If your mobile device that is running the SmartThings App has location services enabled, you should be able to create an Automation Routine that says when you get within your geofenced area, turn on the AC/Heater to a specified temperature.
Using @Kirk_Brown’s app and handler set, I was able to set this up on my iOS Device and record the routine.
Notice at the 1:30 mark, may Sensi thermostat is set to cool @ 78 degrees, post refresh, it is set to 70 degrees, the same temp I set earlier in the video when creating the routine.
The thermostat updated because the SmartThings app is what handles the geolocation settings, not @Kirk_Brown’s app or handler.
Anyone else having trouble with Alexa consistently setting the temperature on their Sensi via Smartthings? It seems like recently “smartthings isn’t responding” is the more common response from her than in the past. Eventually she snaps out of it. But even though she won’t set the temperature every time, she has no problem reporting the temperature. Perhaps something’s changed?
Hi Kirk, thanks a lot first for the device code it’s been working great for over a year for me.
But since yesterday I noticed it’s not able to connect to the sensi API, checking on IDE log showed that connection was failed with socket timeout exception.
Does anyone have the same issue? Would it be possible that sensi shuts down the API? Would love to get this back on line with ST because I rely on it using webCoRE automation.
Same issue here. Upon inspecting the live logging, it appears that the Sensi connect smartapp is unable to successfully authenticate to the Sensi login API. An exception is thrown with socket connection reset. Sensi must have changed their login API.
I sold my Sensi Wi-fi thermostat on eBay recently. I felt it was a matter of time before this would no longer work,I also wanted fewer apps. If I remember correctly @Kirk_Brown does not have an ST hub and was doing this as a favor for a friend that does have a hub. While appreciated, I’m not sure how interested he would be in continuous support for this integration. The only thing that sets Sensi apart is that the non-touchscreen thermostat doesn’t require a “C” wire.
Edit: @Kirk_Brown doesn’t own a Sensi Thermostat, but his brother does