I found the guy who knows what he’s talking about
Thank you guys.
You are great
Hey mxkr I hadn’t previously even considered the possibility of updating settings from the Smartthings app… I can definitely see your desire though. And normally I wouldn’t come back for this much er um… effort for a question but the use case is just too great to not help you out I wish I could be there when someone gets stumped by your thermostat and you get the satisfaction of locking that down.
Not sure how much you care for the explanation, BUT in order to change settings there needed to be an additional setSettings command added. I had to update the device handler and the smart app in order to properly formulate the settings change. If you are still interested then I suggest you hop back over to the github and copy in the new device type (or the changes if you’ve customized your code any) and the same for the smartapp. I figure its very possible that if you’re messing with the setStringCmd you don’t need an example of how the new setKeypadLockoutOn and setKeypadLockoutOff functions work. BUT just in case I wrote a quick smartapp that will illustrate use of the the commands. It simply disables the keypad when 1 contact sensor opens and waits until all sensors are closed to re-enable the keypad. The keypad can also be locked/unlocked from the device tile.
Here is the smartapp as an example. Again, you’ll have to update the Device handler and the smartapp in order for this to work.
Sensi Connect Smartapp:
Sensi Device Handler:
Example App locking the keypad https://github.com/kirkbrownOK/SensiThermostat/blob/master/smartapps/kirkbrownok/sensithermostat/sensi-thermostat-keypad-lockout-on-open-sensors.src/sensi-thermostat-keypad-lockout-on-open-sensors.groovy
First off, awesome work, and I applaud the time and effort spent to create the Sensi device handler and smart app integration! Has been a reliable piece of my HA setup for over 6 months.
A couple months back I finally got around to creating some ancillary automation around HVAC recirculation. It was then that I found a minor issue. The Device Handler wasn’t completely tracking and reporting the thermostatFanState correctly for all scenarios. I spent some time debugging and created a patch. I submitted a pull request to your GitHub repo: https://github.com/kirkbrownOK/SensiThermostat/pull/1
If you see any issues with the changes please let me know. I’m glad to be able to contribute a bit towards your work!
Wow Kirk! you really went above and beyond for my request.
Keypad lock and sensor locking works great.
I can’t say thank you enough!!!
Thanks for setting this up! I had a few issues with getting it going, but after reading through these replies, I finally got it all running. Now I have most of my wi-fi devices talking to ST!
Just wanted to be sure people know this was created by @Kirk_Brown and is due all thanks and credits. I just created this post.
Yes, sorry I should have said that. Thanks, Kirk!
Well, the setup went pretty well and I got my thermostat working in ST, but now it keeps dropping off. I’ve had to re-add it (SmartApp) back in but within a few minutes it’s disconnected again. Any suggestions? My thermostat is downstairs (the wi-fi modem and ST hub are upstairs) and it doesn’t have the best wi-fi signal. Could that be the issue? Thanks!
I’m definitely a newbie here, but one thing I noticed that looks different with this Sensi Thermostat, on the Devices page of the web page, it is the only device not shown under “Hub” that doesn’t list as “Home Hub”.
Have not purchased a Sensi yet and want to know what I can do with this SmartThings integration? When my wife leaves the house, I want the temperature to go up since I don’t like it as cold as she does. Is this possible?
Definitely, you could do this via a routine, webcore, etc. Although I would not purchase the Sensi thermostat based on SmartThings integration, things change and its possible that this may not be available one day. This is the only smartapp for Sensi integration.
I have 2 sensis and bought them way before I got ST. I loved the sensis back then but am way dissapointed in the integration with ST. @Kirk_Brown wrote an amazing app to log into the Sensi and integrate it into ST, but it is not an official app and you will need to make sure to keep it updated. I would suggest buy the cheapest Z-wave thermostat u can buy. I think CT-100 sells for less than 100. You can also use a custom thermostat setpoint manager (do a search) to help you set your thermostat for different modes.
I also have a Sensi. Here’s a zwave for under $55. https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/collections/labor-day-sale-1/products/radio-thermostat-z-wave-communicating-touch-screen-thermostat-ct101-iris-version
You just missed their labor day sale of an additional 15% and free shipping.
Is there an app that can notify you that your Sensi (or Nest that I also have) is still on, a period after you are away? I happen to forget to turn off Sensi/Nest a lot after I leave.
Use thermostat setpoint manager to change the setpoints so that your air conditioning stops when you leave and when you arrive. No point in switching the termostat off. Setting extreme setpoints will disable the actual cooling or heating. You can verify from the sensi app that the new setpoints have been set after you left…
For example setting a cooling to 140 and a heating at 25 will for sure disable the thermostat…you can select what works best for you…
I appreciate the reply. I installed it but it appears that it couldn’t recognize Sensi. When I tapped “create a new setpoint automation”, nothing happened. I haven’t installed Nest Manager on Smartthings, so don’t know if it could recognize Nest.
Anyway, I just want a simple app that can notify me Sensi is still on, 15min after my iPhone is away from home. Anyone know any such app? ST’s built-in “Notify Me When” doesn’t list Thermostat
Hi, I’m a newbie. I stumbled across this thread when I searched on Google about the method of adding my Sensi thermostat in the Smartthings iOS app. I checked the link https://github.com/kirbs-/sensi but can’t figure out how to use it. I know about adding the MySmartApps code and My Device Handlers, but not sure which code should I paste, as there are many files under the URL. Even though I read the read.me file, I still find a hard time to understand it. Can anyone kindly explain to me please? I highly appreciate the help! Thank you in advance
Are you familiar with how to do github integration. This would ensure you have the most up to date version and would eliminate the need to figure out which code is needed.
The github link you referenced is for the wrapper api that was leveraged to make the ST integration, but it’s not the actual solution. Here is a link to the DTH and smartApp code on github with a readme that details the installation steps.
(You do not need to mess with that wrapper api.)