Possible to connect a Sensi thermostat

Hi there. Total newbie here. I just got my Smartthings hub and have successfully connected a couple of Wemo switches. I have a Sensi thermostat that is wink compatible but I’d really like to add it to Smartthings. Has anyone successfully done this?

Thanks so much.

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Hello! I was researching the Emerson Sensi also planning to connect to SmartThings hub…have you found an answer or connected successfully yet? Thanks!

They don’t have a public API at the moment. :frowning:

Any plans on integrating with hub v2?

I returned it and got a CT100. But right now I am having a hard time getting it to connect!

My recommendation to you - and to everyone else reading this - is to go to the [Emerson Sensi support website][1]
[1]: http://support.sensicomfort.com/ and pester them about it. While us lowly end-users (especially those of us who’ve already purchased a unit or two) are unlikely to alter the fate of the Sensi, it can’t hurt to try.

I’m no expert, I probably don’t know what I’m talking about :grin:. But I did email Sensi, as well as a Google search and found this link; https://www.npmjs.com/package/sensi

Sorry I’m on my phone and don’t know how to attach a proper url.

I just got a response email from Sensi. They said they do plan on making the API public in the “future” with no time frame. In the meantime I will be collaborating with Doc and Marty.


I have also recently contacted Emerson about the API since they appear to be advertising it working with Echo and Wink a lot lately, but have not yet heard back. I have a Echo Dot on order, but would also like the ability to at least get the temp into smartthings to create other rules around.

Any update if sensi is has an API that can be used with smartthings yet?

This is what I got from Sensi team last week. Good news is they are working on it… bad news is the dreaded no time table comment.

Thank you for contacting Sensi Technical Support. Our developers have advised us that we are currently completely rebuilding our current API to make it more open and more compatible with contemporary home automation platforms like SmartThings and IFTTT, etc. Unfortunately the work isn’t finished yet, but when we are finished we will probably publish information on how we are going to allow others to integrate with our API. We currently do not have an estimated time when this will be possible.

We hope this information helps. If you have any other comments or questions, please contact us via e-mail or give our Sensi Technical Support team a call at 1-888-605-7131, 7:00am – 7:00pm CST, Monday-Friday, and 8:00am – 6:00pm CST Saturday-Sunday. Thank you again, and have a great day!

Sensi Support Team


Any updates on this?

I did my part, and emailed Sensi just now for an update. I’ll let you know if/when I hear from them.

"Hi Patrick,
Thank you for contacting Sensi Technical Support. We hope to integrate with additional smart home platforms in the future, including Samsung SmartThings, however, I am unable to provide any timeline or details at this time. I will pass along your request to our product team to consider when making updates.

I apologize that I am unable to provide further information, but please remain opted-in to Sensi emails and promotions to stay up-to-date on any new integrations. Thanks again, and have a great day! "

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It’s in the works.

+1 on this. Any update?

Hey Sensi owners. The API is still not open, however, the web interface is available for ST to log in and control the app through there. I wrote a smartapp and device type that will allow you to connect your ST to your Sensi Thermostat(s). It will set up by default using a 5 minute refresh rate. It will poll the web interface and get new data. When you send the thermostat commands it will log in and send the command as if you were doing it from the website. I don’t actually have a sensi thermostat, I’ve been using my brothers for testing/development. I can’t really test the app out myself all that well… If you guys would like to give it a try and see what you think its hosted on my github.

When you send a command to the thermostat the Hold Mode will default to Temporary. If you use the sensi schedule this is critical. If you want to use ST to run schedules (ie going away) then its frustrating to have the Hold Mode as Temporary. If you want to change the Hold Mode so that ST changes are Permanent and use ST for scheduling then you have to go into the Devices configuration after they’ve been created and choose the Permanent Hold.

The SmartApp and Device Type are located at https://github.com/kirkbrownOK/SensiThermostat

Thanks to :

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It works very well. Thanks Kirk!

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kirk only part that didnt work or perhaps was too delayed was the voice command from google home to st hub to thermostat

OH man… Ok Danielle… I don’t have a Google Home, so as far as I know there is no good way for me to test that. Is it still slow/broke if you are in only Heat or only Cool? Alexa to Smartthings, at least does a strange command (sets both AutoCool and AutoHeat to the same number and the thermostat doesn’t like it) Can you see if it works better in just one mode or the other?

Also, can you tell which commands (if any) that the Google Home is calling when you attempt it? Its possible that I named the commands in a way that google home is expecting something else