Sengled Element A19

I am a newbe to Smartthings, Thinking to install smart light bulbs, Has anyone any info or comments re: Sengled products? Do they work directly with smartthings Hub or does one have to get anything extra? Appreciate any ideas. Am using Windows10 phone as a controller for Yale Real Living Deadbolt.

I use the Sengled BR30s directly with Smartthings and they have been great. Only have dropped once or twice but that was in concert with a ton of Zigbee issues I was/am having so I don’t fault the bulbs for that. I will probably be getting some A19s to replace my GE Links which frequently drop. Here’s another thread with a little discussion on them.

I have 2 of these; they are rock solid & love 'em.
When paired initially they run in the cloud; at least they did for me & cannot recall as “what” they paired.
Change the device type to GE Link Bulb & they run locally.


How do you change the device type? Just curious, what other things can you setup to run locally? I would rather most of my smart device ran locally.

Also, where do you find directions for setting these up in the first place?

I have Sengled A19s and they work like a charm, no issues with direct connection to my hub. One thing to watch out for, though. is the limit on 32 directly connected ZigBee devices at the hub. If you start pushing the numbers on Sengled bulbs you might want to pick up a hub.