I have two v2 hubs on my account. For some strange reason, the second hub keeps going offline, and it seems to happen when I arrive at that location!
The first hub works fine, no issues. Events gets triggered and we get notifications on both of our phone no problem.
Few weeks ago I got another v2 hub to monitor a second location. I am using the same account but registered the hub under a different location. It worked fine for a while, but now I realize whenever I go to the second location, my phone somehow knocks the hub offline! (or perhaps it crashed when it detected my phone’s present?)
The first time it happened, I was there to pick up the mail, and left quickly. Then I got a notification on my phone that the hub went off line (it has been fine for a week). I couldn’t go back to check things, but I checked online as well and both the web UI and the phone said the hub was offline.
Went back the next day, power cycled the hub, and the status went back to normal.
A few days later, I went back again, and sure enough, the hub went off line again when I was there. The hub has solid green light in the front, and the web UI does NOT say the hub is offline, only the app on my iphone says its offline!
Are there any issues with having more than one hub on an account? I couldn’t really tell whether the hub is truely offline, or if the phone app is messed up (I tried restarting the app, same). I tested my flood sensor while the hub is showing as offline, and strangely I got a TXT notification, so the hub is online, just as the web UI reported. But somehow the App thinks it’s offline (and I didn’t get the app notification, only TXT notification).
I am using SmartThings App 2.0.4 on iPhone.
Is there a way for me to log in or check the status of the hub locally? Is there an ssh interface? I am a software developer so I am curious to see if I can get the status from the hub directly.