The new title is perfect. Demonstrates that anyone who buys HA is a bunch of whiny b*tches. No wonder we get a bunch of whining in the community.
HA is a sure sign a coddled, lazy, entitled person who has such a wonderful life they can’t even be bothered to turn on or off the lights. So these folks that seek to reduce their pathetic lives to little more than opening their eye lids are of course going to complain about everything. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS to the extreme.
Really, when you think about it, it is quite ridiculous. If you buy an HA, expecting it to automate something is asinine. That’s like buying a TV and expecting it to display a picture. LOLWHATABUNCHOFLOSERS.
A few years ago, buddy of mine at work walked up to me and handed me that strip and walked away without saying a word. I figured if that’s how I come off, I’ll own it. I hung it up on my wall and haven’t looked back. Life is so much more stress free when you aren’t trying to be something you’re not.
@bamarayne OK- this is just too much frivolity. I’m sitting here at my computer laughing my a$$ off. That’s just improper behavior for this ST forum. Humor is just not allowed. Enough I say… enough
@SBDOBRESCU you have stepped over the line here - this thread is not about proposing solutions. this is about mocking those who complain about their inability to find a solution to a simple problem and rely on a plastic brick with a USB port as a comfort blanket (no offense hub 2).
The last thing we need is something new from Samsung with a mind of it’s own…God help us when it actually becomes sentient and realises it has a choice which instructions to follow.
I dare you even try to apply my solution…Is like me saying run a zwave repair for your failing devices…you might try it, but you’ll end up here searching for better solutions, anyway. I should’ve said just get off your butt and grab a long stick to flip the switch…but was trying to confuse you more so you can make use of the search feature
@Ben Big complaint here we have written 180 entries on this tread alone, each one complaining about someone (@JDRoberts) or something that is being complained about too much.
Also this thread has never been on the rails especially as @bamarayne keeps of changing the thread title without thorough testing or approval of the community.
And yet none of us has managed to win the coveted thread destroyer badge. not even our resident boy scout @JDRoberts again.
Now I know a thread with just 180 complaining and whining entries is not big by your standards but you’ve got to look at the quality of the complaints and the fact that most of them are not directed at smarttings (you can thank @JH1 for that).
So my complaint is your forum doesn’t follow it’s own rules as and is therefore not fit for purpose. BTW while you were all partying I had no problems with my system so please!!! carry on partying and stop trying to fix things that don’t want to be fixed.
If you don’t want to give it to one of the whinging windbags at least give it to @JDRoberts to complete his collection.