Search function! ! ! What the hell is wrong with using it? Oh no let's just start a while new thread cause you're too special to search. There is no way that what you are asking has ever been asked before!

Start here to find all of the complaining about complaints you can. Every body is bitching about things being posted in their deals threads and crap, so post your discussion about discussing it here. Just keep your complaining about this thread to some other thread because my opinion is better than yours when it comes to who’s opinion is right.

Also, no complaining about showing complaining that you are discussing the very own that they started the thread about.

No need to have two threads our a single thread here about complaining. If you don’t like the single thread complaint thread, than feel free to complain about it here.


Love it… :slight_smile:

That’s your opinion. And my opinion is that your opinion sucks and I’m right so there is no point in arguing with me about it!

Plus, my shm is not installed, yet it won’t disarm, and it keeps setting off the alarm at my neighbors house, who doesn’t even have home automation our an alarm!


Are you sure you didn’t hide 50 more devices in your neighbor’s garage that you forgot about? He may actually have home automation now and is cursing you for making him install all of those switches…


That’s is possible. But we’re not in this thread to talk about that. We are only talking about what I want to talk about because I started the thread!


And don’t ask what we are talking about. I don’t know what in talking about so there is no possible way that you can know what in talking about either! So stop talking about it!

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But that’s not how it works around here, you bark at one tree and then everyone jumps in and barks at a different tree. Didn’t you learn that, yet?

There is so much wrong with this thread that I need to create a new thread to address it. In addition, ST is clearly to blame for this, the weather, and the fact that my house hasn’t moved two inches to the left.


I can’t believe this! This is NEVER going to end!

I have a light that is programmed to only come on in sleep mode. It’s triggered by my dogs farts.
My wife just pressed the switch on the wall, in that room, and the dang light came on! Can you believe that! ! !

It’s running local too… I mean it’s is right here in my house, how much more local can it get?


Your complaint was supposed to post last night. Can you try to run update and see if future complaints schedule better?

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I crafted a virtual switch to run my posted updated, but I’m over the 100 device type limit… My posts and the switch have disappeared and this is now what I have to use…

I’m pretty sure I’m offended. Hold on, let me summit a ticket to support and find out if I am or not.

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(The following is a very very “in” joke, so if you get it, you’re probably spending way too much time on the forums. :wink:)

So can I complain one more time about the fact that SmartThings says zwave devices have “clusters”? Because surprisingly few people have complained about the fact that I keep complaining about that, and I’m starting to feel left out. :disappointed_relieved:


@JDRoberts we’d NEVER leave you out. Just complain more! Lol.

Plus, your helpful… I’m going to change my title to “I’m a jerk” and none of the tile machine rules I help people with are going to work! ! ! !

Bwahahahaha! !


I know they don’t have because I just did a search on the internet and no one is talking about z-wave clusters, therefore they don’t exist…And @JDRoberts you really need to stop complaining so much and start helping people around. I know a guy who’s actually quadriparetic and he helps a lot more people than you do!!!


Sorry I am late for the party. I don’t even know what this thread is about. I have read NOTHING in it and only the first few words of the tirade title and knew it was the thread for me.

So here I am. Again, sorry I a late. Give me a few to form a opinion and post up with my salt and sarcasm.

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I know right! And I’ve heard of that guy! His freakin dog is awesome!