I’ve been trying for over two days to connect my new Schalage lock to my Smartthings hub. Prior versions of this lock have been finicky, but ultimately have all connected. This one - not so much.
I have used the following protocol to attempt to connect this lock:
Run an exclude on the lock (works perfectly)
Factory reset the lock (works perfectly)
Reboot the hub (works perfectly)
Attempt to connect the lock by scanning the included QR code provided with the lock. . . . .and nothing works. An interesting point here is that the green light on the hub does NOT flash like it normally does when it goes into pairing mode.
4a) I have also attempted to “Scan for the device” which DOES detect a device, but refers me to a “secure set-up” option which wants me to scan the barcode - back to step #4, the whole app just hangs and endlessly spins. For the initial bit the green light on the hub DOES flash, but it stops after the initial detection.
I have the lock literally sitting on top of the hub. I have tried two different houses / hubs. This lock just doesn’t work as near as I can tell.
The closest I’ve gotten is a generic “zwave device” for which I’m unable to change the driver, the lock never accepts the on-boarding, no green checkmarks, etc.
I currently have the normal Edge drivers loaded, the PH drivers, and my Rboy legacy drivers (long time Rboy user here).
Please help, these locks are the backbone of my whole set-up, and I need to replace one of them that has failed. Thanks in advance!
Had the same issue recently and had to get mine replaced by the manufacturer. Nothing I did would work, and apparently they have had some bad chips lately. Just FYI.
Bumping this thread. I now have purchased a second lock - direct from Schlage this time and it does the exact same thing. I’m using a STH-ETH-200 series hub.
Does that support S2?
Why isn’t the green light on the hub flashing when I try to include the lock? It stays solid when I start by scanning the barcode on the pamphlet that came with the lock
I’ve now tried two different locks, across two different hubs, and across two different mobile phones. What in the world is going on here???
Is there any way to just forget about S2 and include the lock without it? I’d be fine with that. I’m not worried in the slightest about someone using wireless equipment to hack my locks to get into my houses. Much easier and faster to simply break and window or kick in a door - which is precisely what anyone with mal intent will do.
I could really use some help here. These locks form the foundation of my whole home automation system.
OK, I have seen a few users speaking on how to get around the hub led not flashing green (or think I did) but I can’t remember what it was or who posted. @Automated_House has also spoken about it so hopefully they can chime in. (maybe by selecting scan QR code???)
which model schlage lock?
Additionally, you may want to start with installing @philh30 Z-wave lock PH edge driver. If the lock does not pick it up when pairing, change to it after you add it.
exclude the lock (even though you haven’t added it)
bring the lock within 10 feet of the hub or hub to lock.
install the edge driver above
you do want to pair the lock using S2 but try by selecting “scan QR code” on main screen and not going through the Partner device selection.
I’ve tried it with both the PH driver, the Rboy driver, and the default driver. The model is a BE469ZP. UPDATE - I did manage to get the new lock that I purchased directly from Schlage to pair!! I did it using a very unique pairing process:
I excluded the lock
I factory reset the lock AND rebooted the hub.
I did an “Add”, specified a “Schlage” device and forewent the scanning (I skipped it)
I started a pairing routing - lights flashing on both the hub and the lock
App came up that it had added insecurely and wanted to scan my QR (NEVER SCAN THE QR!!)
I deliclined and entered in the PIN. . . .both devices flashed for a minute or two more and boom, green checkmarks on the lock.
Naturally the app hung up and crashed, but since all lights had stopped flashing I just killed it and restarted.
Boom, there is the new lock.
I’m now grinding on this older lock. I’ve never tried this technique with it before, will report back ASAP.
Hello jeff1,
I too am having issues with my schlage 469zp smart lock. I have purchased a new-to-me home and this is the main doorlock. I wasn’t able to get the lock to connect with the schlage app let alone connecting to Smart Things app as well. Did you have any luck connecting the lock to the schlage app?
Following your steps, I have some questions if I may ask
In regards to your step 1, How do you exclude the lock?
My schlage lock doesn’t even have a QR code? There’s a barcode but not QR…
The rest of your steps, didn’t even get that far.
Quickly place your Smartthings hub in “exclude mode” (have the app open so you can do this quickly).
Press “0” on your lock keypad.
You will see a notification in the Smartthings app that a device has been excluded and the lock should beep and flash (I think green check marks). At that point your lock is excluded. Remember it doesn’t matter if the lock is included in YOUR network or not, it will still exclude and clear itself.
If you don’t have the programming code for your lock, you need to remove it from the door and look for the sticker inside. You do that by removing the battery cover, unscrewing the small screw up against the door, and the larger bolt in the middle of the lock that is recessed. You should see the sticker inside once you have removed it from the door.
If that sticker is missing, you’ll need to contact the previous owner and get it, the lock is useless without that code.
The steps I followed ignore the QR code, which would also be inside the unit. If there is no QR either the sticker has been removed (in which case you are hosed) or it’s not a newer lock with zwave security integrated. In the latter case you don’t need the PIN or QR, just include it as you would a normal device.
You MAY need to have the lock very close to the hub. Mine normally doesn’t require that, but in some cases it needs to be very close.
I will give this a shot today! Even though my lock didn’t have the QR code, it did have the programming code.
Had a frustrating night last night trying to get this figured out. After this, I have to get the levitron switches to connect so that’s another chore. I’ve connected a few things in the past to the hub, why is this so difficult?
Those Schlage locks have always been tricky for me to pair. It often takes several attempts to get them propertly connected, and I have to re-pair them every year or so to get reliable connectivity. And that was before everything switched over to Edge drivers. Since then, the overall reliabilty of almost everything in my homes has been in steady decline. I’m sure all the Samsung folks are doing their best, but Smartthings has been in decline since the company was purchased - and the transition to Edge really accelerated things.
Btw would I select zigbee wave or the other zigbee? I believe one asked to scan QR while other one didn’t. After I selected one of them, removed the cover and press the button on the back, it began flashing amber for a bit and then asked me to enter the first 5 digits of the DSK? I see a few codes on the back of the lock but which one do I enter?
After I just bypassed that (didn’t enter the DSK or scanned the QR either) the light flashed red and stopped and here I am.
The BE469ZP is a Z-Wave Plus lock that supports S2 security. Edge drivers are much more particular about properly pairing using S2 so bypassing scanning the QR code or manually supplying the DSK (Device Specific Key) usually results in failing to pair properly.
You should manually exclude the lock by putting your hub in exclusion mode from either the ST App or the Advanced Web App and then putting the lock in pairing mode and verifying the hub says it has been deleted. You should then make sure the lock is close to the hub and re-attempt pairing it. The QR code or the DSK should be on the sticker on the mounting plate behind the lock body.
For what it’s worth - when I went through this a few months ago scanning the QR code absolutely didn’t work. Manually entering the PIN on the label did. No idea why, but for me the process was extremely finicky.
In fact, I’ve never successfully added a single device to my entire network by scanning a QR code. It hangs and fails 100% of the time.
I followed your steps, 1 through 3. Rebooted the hub, factory reset the lock.
Step 4, to put in pairing, I assume I take out the cover and pressed the button on the back to get it to start blinking red and orange on front lock?
Steps 5/6, I skipped the QR scan but I was able to find the DSK and entered the first 5 like it requested. After 30 seconds or so of blinking red, it ended up solid red with a red checkmark.
Don’t know what else I missed. Did I put in pairing mode correctly?
That is not how you place the lock into pairing mode. Check out the instructions, and refer to page #13. To get the lock to pair you punch in the programming code, and then press “0” on the keypad to enter pairing mode.
And be sure to perform a z-wave exclusion on the lock. In the app, tap on the hub tile, tap on the 3 dots, select Settings, select z-wave utilities, select z-wave exclusion and follow the instructions from Schlage for excluding.
I think I tried that once but I failed to do the other steps (rebooting devices) I will try this again tonight.
Also at times I thought it worked but it only picked up another z wave device in which I thought that was it but it wasn’t. It was apparently a light switch that has a dimmer. I pressed on/off yet nothing turns on/off in my home.
Double check that you did the exclusion properly. Reason I say that is the flow of and then “0” is ALSO the flow exclude the device. It’s the same flow for exclusion and inclusion, the difference is what mode the hub is in.