Scheduler and Polling quits after some minutes, hours, or days

@Aaron, any updates on my ticket? You sent it to a developer 3 weeks ago, but I’ve gotten no response.

The fish is still quite dead.

Frankly, it’s starting to smell.

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Hey guys,

We are looking for resolutions to this issue. It’s a bigger beast to tackle than one would imagine.

I’ve heard some whispers that we might have something in mind. More details to come once I have them.


I had issues with the scheduler as well so I implemented the follow: Presence and Scheduling Solutions - Your mileage may vary

It runs on a pi (along with many other tasks) but has been running now for a few weeks without fail.

Those of you running a Ubiquiti or other Linux based router could use the router instead of a Pi.


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Any update on why the scheduler dies in a smart app?

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I’ve been facing this issue has few weeks every since the other issue with the events being called in the wrong mode.

My timers just die after a day or so. I’m using runOnce in a loop and then in between it just dies, never to be called again and the cycle breaks.
Same with RunEveryXMinutes - after a day or so it just stops.

@bflorian @duncan - do you guys know of any such issue and why this might be happening.

It’s a known issue. Has been for ages.

Thanks to figure they would have figured a fix by now, pretty basic stuff - stability.

The trouble ticket for this is currently in the category “In functional review” and so I am hopeful for a deployed fix soon.

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@Ben, can you give us some technical details behind 1) what was causing the problem, and 2) what the solution to be deployed does to change things?

I’m a developer. And I know that all too often what developers deploy as a “solution” can be anything but. This is so much more the case in a situation where ST allows devs to create everything from apps to device types. That’s pretty low level integration compared to other platforms out there.

Giving us the before and after solution details might help us 1) feel more confident in the coming solution, 2) maybe help us see any areas where there might still be gaps, and 3) test it for you after deployment.

Please, err on the side of being transparent. It might take a few minutes to write this up for our consumption, but over time providing more rather than less information will help tremendously!



@Ben any potential timelines on this issue fix, it’s getting tiring to reinitialize 20 apps everyday! I’ve even tried “kick” starting the timer everytime the mode changes (atleast 2 times a day) by subscribing to the modechange handler but that doesn’t seem to help for some reason.

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@Ben update - I’m dying here trying to keep the timers from dying on me everyday!

ST Support just e-mailed me asking if this had been fixed, so I’m hoping that means a fix has been put in place. I’ve disabled my SmartApp pacemakers and have my fingers crossed! :grinning:

False alarm. I’m still seeing schedules stop working. Back on life support they go. =(

At least fish tend to be pretty cheap to replace…

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So @Ben, why even get on here and tell us something is coming “soon” and then go completely silent about further questions? Please don’t do the “tease and disappear” act on us. This is a hugely important feature that should “just work”, especially since so much of home automation is about schedules.

Just give us more information on what’s being done to fix the problem, please?


Did anyone have issues with Unscheduled event(s) and Mode changes last night at about 7:47PM ESD ish? My Mode change to Away followed by I’m Back and than Away by itself and set off the Smart Alarm! What the F@#$ is going on here? I pressed all of the remotes in my reach before I found my phone and finally got the Mode to Change to I’m Back. The Wife Approval Factor Went to HELL! -% @Ben! And scared the Crap out of my BABY; @Ben! Picture this: I took the Siren OFF of the Wall, Opened the Backdoor and used my best FAST Ball impression Sending the Siren Flying into a Brick Wall! It is Shattered to bits Now! @Ben, @Tyler, @April. This is No Longer Acceptable!

CLOUD processing is Garbage! Give us the HUB v2 or Close Up Shop and Go Home! Because my wife is done with you as a Hobby!

Yes! There is a ticket already Opened!

Mode restrictions being randomly ignored have been happening for some people since the July 15 platform update. Anyone who has this problem should report it to support@smart

They are investigating it, but no fix yet, and no pattern as to who it is affecting or why. @slagle has been tracking it for some community members.

Already reported a ticket via e-mail since 10pm EDT this Sunday.

But my ST H/A status is No Joy from Now on! Here in spirit!

Snd the Fact that is Scared the Crap out of my Baby and Wife Is the important Part! @Ben

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Maybe you should remove the siren from ST for now. I did that months ago. Notification is good enough for now. No point getting upset since schedule and mode have known issues for a while now.


The “Cloud” may or may not be the weak link in SmartThings… I don’t use presence, but most of my SmartThings has been extraordinarily stable for the past few weeks.

Regardless, Staples Connect is happy to exploit your concern on their blog: