Hi @pstuart ,
Read my other post on another thread from this morning and you’ll get why there will be no more H/A in my house because of ST Cr@p Events Killing my family quiet time together.
Did anyone have issues with Unscheduled event(s) and Mode changes last night at about 7:47PM ESD ish? My Mode change to Away followed by I’m Back and than Away by itself and set off the Smart Alarm! What the F@#$ is going on here? I pressed all of the remotes in my reach before I found my phone and finally got the Mode to Change to I’m Back. The Wife Approval Factor Went to HELL! -% @Ben ! And scared the Crap out of my BABY; @Ben ! Picture this: I took the Siren OFF of the Wall, Opened the Backdoor and used my best FAST Ball impression Sending the Siren Flying into a Brick Wall! It is Shattered to bits Now! @Ben , @Tyler , @April . This is No Longer Acceptable!
CLOUD processing is Garbage! Give us the HUB v2 or Close Up Shop and Go Home! Because my wife is done with you as a Hobby!
Yes! There…