Scheduler and Polling quits after some minutes, hours, or days


Super sorry you had to go through this. I feel terrible. I am going to make this my personal mission to get this solved. Don’t have any info yet, but I promise I will update you here when I have info. I have reached out to key players and hope to have some answers soon.

Can you tell me what mechanism you use for mode change? App, presence, time schedule, etc…?

This may not mean much, but I am terribly sorry from the bottom of my heart.


Sound more like presence error rather than scheduling. Are you using phone as presence sensor by any chance?

I’m not sure if HUB v2 will solve this issue entirely. Scheduler/Polling dying is not exclusive to the cloud. It can happen on a local machine as well.

Thank you @slagle. I use pre-determined time for Morning, Evening1, Evening2, Good Night. And the house was in Good Evening1 mode at the time. I don’t know why it went to Away mode. I already went through the ST Things logs/Dashboard logs for this event. All it told me it changed to Away and a short time later I seen the kitchen light go off and by the time I reacted, My baby, my wife and I were assaulted by the Siren hanging in the Kitchen. And my baby Crying.

P.S. I checked the logs for the two key FOBs my wife and I always have a round us for this type of occasions and only mine has a record of me constantly hitting it to change the mode to Home and to Shut the Crap Siren UP.

I don’t use presence since November of 2014. If you recall, ST had a Rash of Failures at that time and the First Siren met its End by my THORS hammer! Multiple times. :smiling_imp:


It is already DOA somewhere in my back yard. Death by Fast Ball on a Concrete Wall.

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Thanks @tgauchat. I will keep that in mind, but for now as I said…No Joy for H/A WAF is -200%. And unless you want to read in the obituaries of my demise…New York Times headline August 11th, 2015, “Death by Home Automation”.
I will keep my wife happy and not do much H/A for a little…

Sorry to hear about your trouble. I often voice my concerns about everything being in the cloud, BUT keep in mind that any system or device can fail, either it’s cloud-based or not.

A couple of days ago I was woken up at 3 AM in the morning by my forced air AC going off all of a sudden. My WiFi thermostat (integrated with ST) is programmed for 84F cooling setpoint during night time to make sure AC doesn’t turn on because it pretty loud. So I looked at the thermostat app (not SmartThings) and saw that the cooling setpoint has inexplicably changed to 35F! I was not able to find any plausible explanation for this. I’m sure it was not caused by ST because there was nothing in ST logs that would point to that. It could be a bug in the thermostat firmware, who knows?

Hey guys,

In response to the scheduler issues:

We are currently running an sprint on platform stability. It is the general consensus that this will go a long way to resolving these scheduling interruptions.

Top men are on it.

I’ll keep this thread posted with additional information as it finds me.



Maybe that’s the issue. Get women on it. They make everything a man does better. @April :smile:


I had the same reaction: where’s Hsu? :wink:

@April gets my Vote!

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Not a big deal, and not trying to troll, but FWIW, some of us are subscribed to these threads hoping to get solid info regarding the topic at hand. Can we try to keep posts focused on productive conversation around the topic so that we don’t get emailed to death with every non-relevant post?

On most boards this would just cause someone to endlessly create posts just to try to annoy me, but I’m hoping everyone on here will understand the positive attitude with which I’m posting this :D.



I totally empathize, bud, and I’m pretty instinctively crazy OCD about communication efficiency on forum Topics like these, myself. – (LOL… Doubt anyone believes that.)

But it’s hard to change small-c “community” behavior, and I really understand why these boards don’t hug Topics tightly:

You see, the “solid info on the Topic at hand” never materializes. Some of these problems are literally over 2 years old… They just keep resurfacing as “new” Topics. Communication from SmartThings’s staff is rare, and, unfortunately, non-committal.

So, frankly, we spin off in little jokes, and sometimes rants, just to let off steam and frustration.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for any substantive accurate information (it is seldom provided) or a solution (they are rarer than miracles; don’t stop believing in miracles while breathing).

We have asked (many, many months ago) for a published consolidated issues list which would be the most efficient way to understand and track the open known problems and their exact status and progress. Of course, we’ve been told “it’s coming”… along with the Rapture, which will probably be preceded by trumpets, 4 horsemen, and SmartThings Hub V2. :smiling_imp:


Annoyance is not what the rest of us are trying to create for you and others like you. The point is that when problems crop up, we as a community share the impact and take account of how many people are impacted; in order for ST Support to have actionable numbers.

And yes, as @tscheel told you:

Unfortunately, we’ve been told explicitly and repeatly that only support tickets (emails to are counted as “actionable numbers”.

Frankly, this is not a customer-friendly policy. When an Issue Topic is raised on the Forum, there is plenty of information posted to guage the impact, scope, and variations involved.

But who am I to say what customers would prefer?


For the past month we have been monitoring the forums for the most active issues effecting 3rd party developers and during weekly meetings we raise them up into the awareness of the engineering and product teams. of the 16 we have identified we have had 3 resolved and 2 more are pending. We call it the Community Advocacy Taskforce and it is chaired by our own @slagle. It is progress. We report these metrics as well.


Absolutely excellent and greatly appreciated, Ben!
Your Team’s vigilance and visible responsiveness to the Community’s concerns won’t go unnoticed. :star:

I’ll make no claim to be the squeaky wheel that got greased – I usually believe that what I’m expressing are echoes of other’s feelings – but I hope I consistently acknowledge progress on all fronts.

Your description of the “Community Advocacy Taskforce” is a brilliant catalyst for turning Community feedback into valuable results. We’ve certainly noticed @slagle’s visible participation here.

Don’t hesitate to highlight the details of these accomplishments!

The missing “published open issues list” that I’ve incessantly emphasized as indispensable, is most certainly not intended as a wall of shame … to the contrary, it would be an excellent way to visualize that the vast majority of SmartThings problems are distinct, recognized, detailed, prioritized, and, with accelerating velocity, resolved.

In my opinion, a single published issues list would do nothing but improve perceptions of SmartThings, because instead of a half or dozen mandering redundant Topics on a particular bug, there would be a single Issue Report entry with all the relevant details and resolution progress. It would be a positive and well deserved visible testament to accomplishments.



I’m afraid this is one of those “have you stopped beating your wife?” things with no good answer. They can only devote so much of their total effort to addressing “issues”, and it’s likely that many “issues” remain unaddressed for very valid reasons. If you publicly publish a list of issues, with many issues not even addressed, how does that help anyone? How do you explain internal reasoning to the public successfully? You can’t. Furthermore, they certainly can’t make public date projections for outstanding issues without ultimately damaging their reputation every time those projections move out into the future, as they inevitably will. I think their current approach is the best they can do, and actually works fairly well for such a small and young company. It is what it is. Is that OK?

Never understood that reasoning. Especially once Internet forums came into existence. Known issues will be discussed publicly anyway, seems better to acknowledge them if they’re not security vulnerabilities.


If anyone could put together an issue list based on this forum, that would be you @JDRoberts! :grinning:


Many companies manage to find some sort of balance, but certainly there are always bug or feature requests that go stale for any product.

I guess I was just being an optimist.

Perhaps the possibile “good” answer is to publish a list of known issues that have “solid” fixes in the works or completed, dates optional…

For example, the Developer Call preview of the forthcoming (someday) mobile App V2 showed a new Things view in rows with labels, thus providing closure on the issue of whether or not “shake to view labels” will ever be resolved.

If we’re so cynical that we think SmartThings might remove the new view or go back to the current interface or delay App V2 beyond hope, then the situation is hopeless.

This is an opportunity for SmartThings, at their discretion on a case by case basis, to decide to increase transparency as a competitive advantage.

On not.

You’ve made me sad :crying_cat_face: