Hi, i’m leaving in Canada and I search to buy some new Samsung Motion Sensor, but all store are backordered for this item.
Does a people know if this Motion Sensor is discontinued ?
Hi, i’m leaving in Canada and I search to buy some new Samsung Motion Sensor, but all store are backordered for this item.
Does a people know if this Motion Sensor is discontinued ?
Not discontinued, but being shifted to new manufacturers. So current stock is very hard to find. No details yet for who the partner will be in Canada.
Since the Motion Sensors are zigbee, the new Aeotec branded devices being released for Europe would also work with a US hub, but I don’t know where you would buy one.
When you specified shifted to new manufacturers, this motion sensor was no more created by Samsung?
And if Aeotec was the supplier in Europe, it will be possible to supplied in Canada Zigbee device!
Is it possible to have the same device format with Aeotec, it’s have a nice format for the motion sensor.
Homedepot still has stock online.