I just purchased a Powerbot R7070. It’s app integration is messy. I’ve been using ST Classic for 2 years and currently prefer it. I’ve only been able to get the Powerbot to work with ST (newer version). I can’t get it to work with Smart Home or ST Classic. I believe Smart Home is getting phased out for the newer ST. The problem is that Alexa won’t see it. Everything I have read about Powerbot integration is through Smart Home. I have the ST skill in Alexa and it sees/detects everything that is added to ST Classic. It doesn’t see this since it is only in ST (new). The Alexa skill has the new icon not the old ST Classic icon, so it should see it. Is there anyway to get it into ST Classic? It currently just times when I try to manually add “Samsung Robot Vacuum”. Am I missing something? I’m trying to stay away from dropping ST Classic and going fully into ST.
On another note, this thing was really messy getting it to work with my phone (Samsung S7). I had to use my Samsung Tablet for it to connect initially.