just as a data point for anyone interested, i have managed to get my two Samsung TV’s to be added to Google Assistant, and i can turn them off via voice commands. no other voice commands have worked for volume, input, turning them on, etc. i also do not have a ST hub, i just use wifi devices for my home automation solutions (Wemo, Nest, Oittm (Smart Life), others).
i have a UN43MU6300 and a UN55MU6300 (note: not the KS series), both purchased in 2017. both are logged into my Samsung account, and show up under the SmartThings Android app. from there i was able to add them to Google Assistant via the Google Home app. via the ST app i can change the volume and turn them off, but not much else. the app cannot turn the TV’s on, just the “off” feature.
ST chat support tells me i’m a bit of an anomaly, as this functionality should not work. from them: “Not exactly as there’s a few things going on. So at this time the only TV’s that can be connected and working via SmartThings are TV models that have either KS or KU as the 5th and 6th numbers. Your TV models on the account appear to be UN43MU6300 and UN55MU6300 respectively. These TV’s are not even compatible in SmartThings at all, however since they communicate in a different way that allows Samsung Connect to pick them up, you were able to pair them to the account via the cloud to cloud communication in the Connect app so they show up in SmartThings.”
i asked for documentation on commands that should be working, and there is none. even the tech support person seemed genuinely surprised that the TV’s work at all via ST.
“which makes sense as it’s really an unsupported device so we can’t guarantee that the features will work as intended. Not for your TV as it’s a model that isn’t officially compatible. It’s actually pretty amazing you’re able to do as much. Your best bet would be to check out the community to see if anyone else found a way around it here: https://community.smartthings.com”
so here i am posting my data point. based on anecdotal evidence i read here and elsewhere, i am concerned a FW update could eventually break this “compatibility”. or the service could expand to actually support my TV’s, or maybe unofficially support additional commands in the future, who knows. i just want to turn the TV off, and change the volume, via Google Assistant. everything else can be done through HDMI-CEC if i need to. hope this helps anyone trying to integrate their TV’s!