Ring Pro Doorbell and 24 volts

So I am getting a Ring Pro doorbell for Christmas to integrate into my Smart Home… I am starting to think about installation I have been reading online…seems like of folks say just upgrade to a 24 volt transformer and save your self a headache. So I took down my doorbell just now, and while my transformer is actually setup to handle either 8 or 16 or 24 volts, my doorbell chime says on it for 16 volts. I thought, fine, I will get a new door bell chime that takes 24 volts…um, I can’t find any. Looked on Home Depot, Lowes, and Amazon. Your thoughts? Thanks

I have the same kind of transformer and my Ring Pro works just fine on 16V.

16V for me.

My doorbell transformer was measuring at 12.5v even though it was supposed to be 16v. But given age I replaced it with a new 16v transformer since the Ring didn’t like 12.5v. All is good since then. My old lighted doorbell in my garage is now much brighter with more voltage but all is good.

Lowes carries the transformers and you choose which voltage to use so try that first before replacing the chime.

Thanks guys… will leave it as it is and see how setup goes.

Yeah just give it a go, if you get issues that could be down to power, replace it otherwise you may well be fine.

How old is the house anyway?

it is 2 years old… right at the cusp of my starting the smart home addiction… so many things I would change right now that I did not think of then.

I installed a Ring Pro four days ago… My chime is a 16v system. Testing the leads at the bell I got readings from 15.5-19v

Setup was pretty straightforward following the Ring Pro instructions although I HATE the snap connectors in the kit for the pro power unit. I replaced them with my own small gray wire nuts.

I had everything connected according to instructions and was reading through correct voltage at the leads and installed the doorbell and got… Nothing. Zip zilch, nada.

I figured I had to have borked something in the pro power kit install so I pulled everything out and reinstalled everything. Tested voltage and tried again. Nothing.

I called Ring support. They walked me through everything I just did and added one step. Short across the bell wires where the doorbell connects to test if I get a bell (yes, I did).

Then the tech said… Reconnect the doorbell switch and just let it sit.


Yes, let it sit. For some reason some people have to wait a while for the doorbell to initialize… If it doesn’t come online in an hour, call us back…

45 minutes later, I got the spinning white ring for setup, went through the setup routine and it’s been rock solid since.

Lesson: check all of your connections and be patient when you turn on the breaker the first time.

TLDR; Patience is a virtue setting up your Ring Pro.


Sounds like the internal battery might have discharged too much. Good call.

Same hete. I tried everything including new doorbell chime same as in install video. Had to wait an hour then started working. Working good.